PT Health Life – Many foods increase blood sugar levels and cause rapid weight gain. However, choosing some foods with a low glycemic index will help lose weight effectively.
ere are the 10 best low-glycemic index foods for weight loss .
1. Strawberries can aid in weight loss
Strawberries have a glycemic index = 40. Strawberries are ideal for satisfying sweet cravings because they are rich in fiber and low in calories.
Strawberries are helpful for weight loss because they contain the phytochemical C3G (cyanidin 3-glucoside) which increases the production of adiponectin, which can increase fat metabolism, leptin, which helps suppress appetite . Can be eaten with yogurt, cereal, salad, smoothie..
2. Salmon
Salmon has a glycemic index = 0. Salmon contains a lot of protein and does not contain carbohydrates, so it will help you feel full without increasing blood sugar levels.
85g of salmon contains about 17g of protein and 108 calories. Salmon also provides omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. This is important when it comes to weight loss because inflammation makes weight loss more difficult.
3. Eggs
Eggs have a glycemic index = 0. Eggs are a great choice for satisfying hunger, so they are a top choice for weight loss. Because the longer you stay full, the less likely you are to overeat!
Eggs also contain a lot of choline. Studies show that choline suppresses genes responsible for increased visceral fat.
4. Bok choy
Bok choy has a glycemic index = 1. Bok choy is not only a low glycemic index food but is also extremely healthy and low in calories. One cup of chopped bok choy has only 9 calories and 1 gram of protein.
Bok choy is a great source of quercetin, which helps reduce inflammation in the body, prevents aging and makes weight loss easier.
5. Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt has a glycemic index = 12. Not only is Greek yogurt a popular snack, it also contains about 20 grams of protein in a 7-ounce container that contains 146 calories.
Research shows that eating a protein-rich meal can help you eat less during the day. In addition, beneficial bacteria in yogurt help improve intestinal microflora , while also supporting effective weight loss. You can mix fruit into Greek yogurt for a snack or breakfast, make yogurt ice cream, mix with sliced fruit, or add to smoothies to boost protein and calcium.
6. Nuts
Nuts have a glycemic index = 0 – 28. Many nuts have a low glycemic index because they contain few carbohydrates. Nuts contain fiber, protein and “good” unsaturated fats.
Nuts are an ideal snack that helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Nuts are high in calories but do not cause weight gain.
Add a spoonful of seeds to salads, Greek yogurt, cereal or ice cream for a delicious crunch and extra nutrients.
7. Tomatoes
Tomatoes have a glycemic index = 30. Tomatoes are a great “fruit” for maintaining a weight loss regimen, as a medium-sized red tomato contains only 22 calories and has a high water content, therefore will help you stay full longer.
Tomatoes are considered a food that helps curb appetite. You can mix tomatoes into an appetizer salad, eat with fresh cheese for breakfast, or have a snack.
8. Jalapeno pepper
Jalapeno peppers have a glycemic index = 32. Not only do jalapeno peppers add powerful antioxidants, especially capsaicin, which help protect cells from damage, but hot peppers have also been shown to have a beneficial effect. weight loss aid. You can sprinkle jalapeno peppers on rice dishes, pasta, sandwiches and salads.
9. Pea protein powder
Pea protein powder has a glycemic index = 22. Pea protein powder provides fiber and protein, helping to reduce cravings while maintaining energy and blood sugar at the best level.
Pea protein may aid weight loss even when calories are not restricted.
10. Avocado
Avocados have a glycemic index = 40. Avocados are high in healthy fats and provide plenty of fiber.
Research shows that adding avocados to your diet can help you lose weight and reduce belly fat. Breakfast can be replaced with avocado toast, avocado salad…
Foods have a glycemic index (GI) ranked according to how quickly they are digested and how quickly they increase blood sugar levels. Accordingly:
– Foods with GI from 0 – 50 are low GI.
– Foods with a GI of 51-69 are average GI.
– Foods with a GI of 70 – 100 are high GI.