PT Health Life

4 answers surrounding fat accumulation in the abdominal area

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PT Health Life – Belly fat is not only unsightly but also a sign of serious health problems. Why is belly fat difficult to lose, and how harmful is too much belly fat?

1. Is belly fat different from fat in other parts?

Fat accumulation occurs throughout the body but accumulates faster in some parts: Men usually accumulate fat fastest in the waist and abdomen, while women accumulate fat fastest in the buttocks, lower abdomen, waist and abdomen. finally in the limbs. From there, it can be seen that the waist and abdomen are one of the parts of the body most susceptible to fat accumulation.

Belly fat is not the same as fat elsewhere on the body in terms of health indicators. While fat in the arms, hips, and most of the body is subcutaneous fat, belly fat is more likely to be visceral fat or “hidden fat.” Excess visceral fat interferes with hormonal balance and normal body function, increasing the risk of vascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

Belly fat is not only unsightly but also a sign of serious health problems.

2. Why is belly fat difficult to lose?

The abdomen is the part closest to the internal organs. If you are obese, not only will belly fat be thicker, but visceral fat will also exceed the standard, causing your belly to expand. This makes reducing belly fat not simple.

Too little physical activity and eating too many calories are the main causes of excess belly fat.

3. What to do to reduce belly fat?

Losing belly fat requires a comprehensive approach, including a healthy diet, moderate exercise, and good lifestyle habits.

Lack of sleep and stress can easily lead to endocrine disorders, causing you to crave food and reduce your metabolic rate . If you want to lose belly fat, it’s best to go to bed before 11 o’clock and make sure to get 7 hours of sleep a day.

At the same time, losing belly fat takes time and patience, you cannot expect to see noticeable results in a short time.

Losing belly fat requires a comprehensive approach.

4. Can skinny people get belly fat?

The standard we often use to evaluate weight is body mass index (BMI)  , but because visceral fat is very important for physical health, in addition to BMI, we also need to pay attention to circumference. waist. You can look skinny or have a healthy body mass index but still accumulate fat around your belly.

Research shows that on MRI and CT scans, many thin people also have hidden belly fat. Even if some people’s weight is within the normal BMI value, when too much fat accumulates in the abdomen, the risk of vascular disease and metabolic syndrome is still higher.

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