PT Health Life

4 common types of cancer in women and how to detect them early

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PT Health Life – Women’s bodies are always changing, but sometimes changes are signs of cancer in women.

Below are the 4 most common types of cancer in women:

1. Endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer is the most common type of gynecological cancer. This type of cancer begins in the endometrium (inner lining) of the uterus. The risk of disease increases with age. Factors that affect female hormone levels, such as taking estrogen without progesterone, or taking tamoxifen to treat breast cancer , may increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

Other factors such as early menarche, late menopause, history of infertility or not having children can also increase the risk of the disease. The risk of endometrial cancer is higher in women with a personal or family history of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC or Lynch syndrome) or of polycystic ovary syndrome. enlarged.

Women who have previously had breast or ovarian cancer also have a higher risk of endometrial cancer than the general population. Today, with the increasing risk of being overweight and obese, women are increasingly susceptible to endometrial cancer.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding is an early and common symptom of this disease. Patients have the opportunity to receive thorough treatment and minimize the risk of recurrence if the disease is detected at an early stage.

The American Cancer Society recommends that women see a doctor immediately if they have symptoms such as unusual discharge or vaginal bleeding (bleeding that gets worse, bleeding between periods or after menopause). All women should talk to their doctor about their risk of endometrial cancer, and have regular gynecological exams.

The American Cancer Society recommends that women see a doctor immediately if they have symptoms such as unusual discharge or vaginal bleeding.

2. Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, accounting for about 12% of all cancers in women and is the second leading cause of death after breast cancer. The average age of women with cervical cancer is 48-52 years old. According to cancer records 2020, Vietnam has more than 9,000 new cases and more than 3,000 deaths from this disease. Most patients come for examination and treatment when the disease is in the late stages.

Cervical cancer occurs silently, without specific signs to recognize, only when there are clinical symptoms such as abnormal bleeding not related to menstruation or after intercourse, vaginal discharge. If , bad breath, pelvic pain , painful urination, etc. appear, the disease is in the late stage.

For cervical cancer screening, it is more specific. Women should be screened periodically with cervical vaginal cells. In addition, if there is any doubt, women can do an HPV type test to see if they are infected with virus types that have a high risk of causing cervical cancer. Because according to statistics, 70% of cervical cancer cases are caused by HPV 16 and 18.

3. Breast cancer

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), currently 1 in 8 women is diagnosed with breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, especially in developed countries. If breast cancer is detected and treated early, the survival rate is 90% and the patient’s quality of life is significantly increased. If it has not metastasized to surrounding tissue and lymph nodes, the survival rate is 100%.

Women who have one of the potential risks such as: family history of having a sister or mother with cancer, being overweight, obese, smoking, etc. need to have regular check-ups and screenings. .

Symptoms of breast cancer are feeling frequent chest pain, breasts may swell, become hard, and change shape. In the early stages, your chest may have tumors that when palpated you can feel the lymph nodes under your armpit or near your chest; Nipple discharge or blood… when these signs appear, see a specialist.

4. Ovarian cancer

If a family member has ovarian cancer or breast cancer, you should get checked regularly to prevent the disease.

If a family member has ovarian cancer or breast cancer, you should get checked regularly to prevent the disease.

Ovarian cancer is one of the most common genital cancers in women, second only to cervical cancer. This disease progresses silently, quietly, the symptoms are not obvious and is often ignored by women.

According to Globocan statistics, in 2020 there were 313,959 new cases and 207,252 deaths from ovarian cancer in the world. In Vietnam, this number is 1,404 new cases and 923 deaths from cancer. Most cases appear around menopause, but the disease can also occur at younger ages.

This is a condition in which malignant tumors form in one or both ovaries due to abnormal growth of cells inside. If not treated promptly, cancer cells will invade surrounding tissues and organs, causing loss of hormone production, egg cell production, and pregnancy function of the ovaries. In severe stages, cancer cells metastasize through the blood or lymph to many other organs of the body and form new tumors.

Early stage ovarian cancer often progresses silently, with no symptoms or vague symptoms, easily confused with other diseases. Common initial symptoms are: indigestion, frequent flatulence, fatigue, loss of appetite, and increased urination.

In addition, ovarian cancer can cause other symptoms such as: Feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the lower abdomen; Stomach-ache; Distention; Irregular menstruation; Vaginal bleeding; Pain during intercourse… Symptoms often become more severe as the tumor grows. Often by this time, the tumor has spread outside the ovary, making it more difficult to treat and less effective. Therefore, regular health check-ups for early detection are extremely important.

Some commonly used methods to diagnose ovarian cancer are:

  • Ultrasound detected ovarian tumors.
  • Laparoscopy detected the primary tumor, combined with biopsy for pathology.
  • Tumor marker tests: CEA, CA 125, HE4, CA 72-4, AMH, LH, Inhibin B. AFP and HCG are often increased in germ cell cancer…
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