PT Health Life

6 common kidney diseases and how to fix them

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PT Health Life – Kidneys play a very important role in human activities. The kidneys maintain water balance, ensuring stable levels of essential minerals. In addition to dangerous kidney diseases such as kidney cancer, polycystic kidney, kidney tuberculosis… there are also 6 common kidney diseases.

Doctor’s advice

In general, kidney diseases are very dangerous and are serious illnesses that require active treatment at medical facilities. People with diabetes, high blood pressure or a family member with hereditary kidney disease should regularly see a urologist. Through urine tests, blood tests and blood pressure monitoring, it will help them control kidney activity accurately and promptly.

Change your lifestyle and activities: Regularly provide the body with the necessary amount of water, at least 2 liters of water per day to ensure the most effective process of eliminating toxins.

Limit your intake of salt. Add more vegetables, tubers, and fruits to improve the body’s resistance.

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