PT Health Life – Milk is an important part of a healthy diet, but it should be noted that milk combined with certain foods can lead to fatigue, stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea and discomfort…
To keep the body healthy, it is necessary to add nutritious foods to the daily diet and milk is an important part of that healthy diet. Milk is rich in nutrients such as protein , calcium, vitamins A, B6, D, K, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine… However, there are some foods that should not be consumed with milk.
Below is a list of 8 foods to avoid with milk for optimal
1. Drinking milk while eating fish causes digestive problems

Fish is considered very healthy but milk and fish should not be consumed together because the two foods are not compatible, combining them can cause digestive problems, change the body’s chemical reactions, further weaken the immune system …
Therefore, after eating fish, you should wait at least 2 hours before drinking milk. This allows the body time to digest the protein and acid from the fish before adding more protein from dairy products.
2. Milk and bananas cause indigestion
Eating bananas and milk together can affect the digestion and metabolism of food. Bananas contain an enzyme called amylase that easily breaks down the protein in milk, easily causing digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating or severe abdominal pain.
In addition, eating milk at the same time as bananas can aggravate respiratory disorders and increase mucus in people with sinusitis, colds , and coughs.
3. Milk, curd – cheese increases the risk of infection and intestinal problems
Ayurveda advises: Yogurt, curd and cheese are fermented products that should not be eaten with milk as this combination increases the risk of infections and intestinal problems.
4. Milk mixed with citrus fruits causes vomiting or stomach ache

Although milk and oranges are both beneficial foods, you should not combine them with citrus foods (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, etc.) because the protein in milk will react with the tartaric acid and vitamin C in oranges.
Milk often takes longer to digest and when combined with sour or acidic foods, can cause heartburn or lead to gas formation in the body. Some people are also lactose intolerant. This means they have difficulty digesting the lactose sugar in their bodies .
Citrus fruits when combined with milk can easily cause bloating, vomiting, stomachache, and diarrhea. Therefore, do not combine these two types. If you want to drink them, use them about 2 hours apart.
5. Milk and melon
Milk and fruits are often considered to be very healthy foods but fruits like melon consumed with milk can often lead to health problems.
Cantaloupe is known to be a fruit rich in water and milk content which has a laxative effect. This incompatible food combination can lead to digestive problems, which can cause vomiting. Therefore, it is best to avoid this combination.
6. Milk and radish
Radishes have many health benefits, milk is a complete food but when eaten together can heat the body from the inside and slow down the digestion process. Therefore, Ayurveda believes that milk should be avoided with radishes because these two foods are incompatible with each other, hindering the digestion process.
7. Milk and spicy foods
Spicy foods can stimulate acid production in the stomach, which when combined with milk can lead to digestive problems for some people. Spicy foods increase the risk of acid reflux or indigestion when consumed with milk.
8. Milk and protein-rich foods
Although milk is a good source of protein, consuming it along with other protein-rich foods such as eggs, meat or beans can overload the digestive system. The combination of multiple protein sources is difficult to digest, leading to digestive disorders.