PT Health Life

9 reasons to drink coffee every morning

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PT Health Life – Coffee is a favorite drink of many people. Coffee not only has the ability to regulate concentration, increase energy levels but also brings many other health benefits.

Many people have the habit of drinking a cup of coffee as soon as they wake up to start the day full of energy. Not only is it a drink that promotes concentration and improves work performance, coffee is also recognized to have many health benefits.

1. Coffee protects the intestines

According to a meta-analysis, people who regularly drink coffee have a 16% lower risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome than those who do not drink coffee.

This analysis was based on 8 studies (including 432,022 coffee-drinking participants) that met the researchers’ analysis criteria, selected from an initial pool of 187 studies identified in the EMBASE, PubMed, and Cochrane Library databases.

Gastroenterologist Dr. Babak Firoozi, who was not involved in the study, also emphasized that the compounds found in coffee “have antioxidant , anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as effects on the gut microbiota, bile acids, intestinal motility, intestinal permeability. These properties may have a beneficial effect on irritable bowel syndrome.”

2. Coffee is good for the heart

Drinking coffee every day may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Several studies have shown that drinking coffee may benefit heart health . In fact, one review found that drinking 3–5 cups of coffee per day may reduce the risk of heart disease by 15%. Another review of 21 studies found that drinking 3–4 cups of coffee per day may reduce the risk of stroke by 21%. Additionally, a study of more than 21,000 people also found that increased coffee intake was associated with a significantly reduced risk of heart failure .

However, keep in mind that caffeine can affect blood pressure levels . Therefore, people with uncontrolled blood pressure may need to limit or adjust their caffeine intake.

3. Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

Some studies suggest that regular coffee consumption may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

A review of 30 studies found that each cup of coffee people consumed per day was associated with a 6% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes .

This is thought to be due to coffee’s ability to maintain the function of beta cells in the human body’s pancreas, cells responsible for producing insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

Additionally, coffee is rich in antioxidants and may affect insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and metabolism — all of which are linked to the development of type 2 diabetes.

When comparing measures of arterial stiffness among the three groups, the researchers found no difference between moderate and heavy coffee drinkers (those who drank one to three or more cups of coffee per day) and those who drank only one cup of coffee or less per day.

4. May support brain health

Although studies have produced mixed results, some research suggests that coffee may help protect against certain neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

According to a review of 13 studies, people who regularly consume caffeine have a significantly lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, caffeine consumption also slows the progression of Parkinson’s disease over time.

Another review of 11 observational studies in more than 29,000 people also found that the more coffee people consumed, the lower their risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Additionally, some studies have shown that moderate coffee consumption may reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive decline.

5. Helps manage weight

Drinking coffee may help with weight control.

According to some studies, coffee can change fat storage and support gut health, both of which may be beneficial for weight control . A review of 12 studies concluded that higher coffee consumption may be associated with reduced body fat, especially in men.

In another study, increased coffee intake was linked to reduced body fat in women.

One study also found that people who drank one to two cups of coffee a day were 17% more likely to meet the recommended physical activity level than those who drank less than one cup a day. Higher levels of physical activity may help promote weight management.

6. Associated with lower risk of depression

Several studies have found that drinking coffee may reduce the risk of depression .

According to a review of seven studies, each cup of coffee people consumed per day was associated with an 8% lower risk of depression. Another study found that drinking at least four cups of coffee per day could significantly reduce the risk of depression compared to drinking just one cup per day.

Furthermore, a study of more than 200,000 people found that drinking coffee was associated with a reduced risk of death by suicide.

7. May help reduce the risk of liver disease

Some studies suggest that coffee may support liver health and protect against disease. One study found that drinking more than two cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of liver scarring and liver cancer in people with liver disease.

Another study found that the more coffee people drank, the lower their risk of dying from chronic liver disease. Drinking one cup of coffee a day was associated with a 15% lower risk, while drinking four cups a day was associated with a 71% lower risk.

Another recent study found that coffee consumption was associated with reduced liver stiffness, a measure that healthcare professionals use to assess fibrosis, the formation of scar tissue in the liver.

8. Positive impact on longevity

Some studies suggest that coffee may help prolong life thanks to its myriad potential health benefits.

A review of 40 studies concluded that drinking two to four cups of coffee per day was associated with a lower risk of death, regardless of factors such as age, weight status, and alcohol consumption.

Similarly, another study in 1,567 people found that drinking caffeinated coffee was associated with a lower risk of death after 12 and 18 years of follow-up. Furthermore, drinking at least one cup of coffee per day was also associated with a reduced risk of death from cancer.

Interestingly, one test-tube study found that coffee can significantly extend the lifespan of yeast by protecting against free radicals and DNA damage.

9. Contributes to improving sports performance

Coffee is often used as an energy booster for athletes looking to improve performance and increase energy levels.

Bio-stimulants are also known as performance enhancers. A review of nine studies reported that drinking coffee before exercise improved people’s endurance and reduced their exertion levels compared to a control group.

Another study in 126 older adults found that drinking coffee was linked to improved physical performance and faster gait speed, even after researchers adjusted for factors like age, belly fat, and physical activity levels.

Additionally, a large review reported that moderate caffeine consumption may slightly improve power output and time spent completing timed tests. However, the results were mixed, so researchers also note that caffeine may affect each person differently.

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