PT Health Life

9 risks that can easily trigger the onset of gout

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PT Health Life – Gout is an extremely painful form of arthritis, often affecting the big toe joint of the foot and other joints.

Gout is an extremely painful form of arthritis, often affecting the big toe joint of the foot and other joints. Nutritional factors (such as red meat and alcohol), can trigger gout attacks. However, certain medications and health conditions or lifestyle habits can trigger gout pain.

Gout occurs due to the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints and damages the joints.

1. Dehydration

Dehydration causes many negative health effects, and gout is one of the diseases affected by dehydration. “Dehydration can increase uric acid levels in the blood and in susceptible individuals such increases can contribute to a gout attack” – Dr. Theodore Vanitallie, professor at Columbia University, USA said. Every day, you need to drink enough water with 6-8 glasses of filtered water per day, especially if you are suffering from gout or have other potential risk factors for gout.

2. Overweight and obese

Overweight and obesity are an important risk factor for gout. Research shows that overweight and obesity create conditions for the formation of gout, by stimulating the body to produce uric acid and preventing the excretion of uric acid from the body. If you are overweight or obese, losing weight immediately can reduce your risk of gout. The World Health Organization recommends that the body mass index (BMI) in South Asians should be between 18.5 and 23. If the BMI is over 23, it is overweight and over 25 is obese. Maintaining a healthy weight is an important step in controlling blood uric acid levels.


Increased risk of gout may be an unwanted consequence of menopause. The cause is estrogen – a hormone that helps the kidneys excrete uric acid, which decreases during and after menopause. The protective effects of estrogen are also the reason pre-menopausal women are less likely to get gout than men. Women after menopause should be careful to avoid other risk factors for gout. According to some studies, gout can be limited by consuming coffee and vitamin C.

3. Injury

A minor injury such as bumping your big toe can create conditions for the development of gout. Injured joints make uric acid more likely to be deposited and can lead to an acute attack of gout. Osteoarthritis, common in older people, is also associated with gout. So try to avoid toe or finger injuries, ankle twists, or repeated microtraumas on one joint.

4. Wear shoes that don’t fit or are uncomfortable

Although there is still no research on the effect of shoes on the risk of gout, wearing uncomfortable shoes is not good for health, especially cardiovascular disease. If the body is in a state of hyperuricemia, wearing tight, ill-fitting and uncomfortable shoes can easily cause bad compression on the joints of the feet, creating conditions for uric acid deposition in injured joints. Prolonged damage due to compression can easily lead to gout. Women should choose low heels to reduce pressure on the toes or limit the time spent wearing high heels.

5. Family history

Family history is a factor that has a major impact on gout risk that is beyond an individual’s control. About 20% of patients with gout have a family history of gout. If you have a family history of gout, it’s important to be aware of other risk factors, especially as you age. Men in their 40s have the highest risk of gout, and postmenopausal women also have an increased risk of gout. Risk factors and foods that easily cause gout should be avoided.

6. Thiazide diuretics

These oral medications increase urine excretion to help control hypertension. Because the kidneys pull fluid out of the body and increase uric acid excretion, this leads to an increased risk of uric acid regenerating in the body and the risk of causing gout. Thiazide diuretics can cause a fluid imbalance in the body. Symptoms of imbalance include thirst, dry mouth, drowsiness, confusion, seizures, increased heart rate and decreased urine output. Increased uric acid levels due to the use of thiazide diuretics may increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction (according to

7. Aspirin

Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid, is an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever that can change blood uric acid levels and cause gout. Low doses of aspirin, used infrequently, can cause an increase in uric acid levels, but high doses of aspirin can reduce blood uric acid levels.

8. Anti-rejection drugs

Anti-graft rejection medications, such as cyclosporine, may increase uric acid levels in the blood and increase the risk of developing gout. These drugs increase the survival of people who have undergone organ transplant surgery, such as heart, kidney, and bone marrow. Cyclosporine can also treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Kidney dysfunction can occur when using anti-graft rejection drugs. When the kidneys are damaged, they lose the ability to effectively remove uric acid from the body, which can cause blood uric acid levels to increase.


Uric acid is a product of purine metabolism in the body. If the body has too many purines, either due to a natural tendency or by eating foods rich in purines, uric acid in the blood increases. Gout occurs due to the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints and damages the joints. Patients have symptoms of pain, inflammation and swelling. In addition, taking certain medications or health conditions or living habits can increase blood uric acid levels, easily leading to gout.
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