PT Health Life
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Skin cancer treatment methods

PT Health Life - Skin cancer can be treated with one or more methods, but it is important to detect it early to give it a chance of successful treatment.  1. Surgical treatment of skin cancer Surgery is a common method of…

Diet for people with bone cancer

PT Health Life - For people with bone cancer, diet is very important, reducing the risk of malnutrition, helping to prevent complications and the risk of death related to cancer, and improving resistance to respond to treatment. cancer…

Causes of knee pain

PT Health Life - Knee pain is often thought to be a disease of the elderly, but in reality it can occur at any age. Knee pain has many causes, due to injury or can be a manifestation of many diseases. Knee pain can be the result of an…

Diet for ovarian cancer patients

PT Health Life - An unhealthy diet can weaken the immune system, increase inflammation and hinder the healing process of ovarian cancer. Eating a healthy diet is always important and is especially important for people with cancer,…