PT Health Life

Causes of ‘little guy’ itching and how to treat it

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PT Health Life – Itchy penis can be caused by various types of inflammation or infection. This can be a warning sign of health problems that not everyone realizes.

1. Causes of penile itching

The main reasons are as follows:

Genital herpes : Genital herpes is caused by a virus that can cause pain and itching in the genital area and on the penis. The virus can lie dormant in the body for years, so some people infected with herpes simplex (HSV) do not know they have it. Along with itching, an outbreak can cause clusters of small blisters. Herpes blisters are often painful and itchy, and may be accompanied by flu-like symptoms: fever, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes.

Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus and causes itching of the penis.

Genital warts : These small bumps are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease. Genital warts resemble cauliflower and can sometimes itch and bleed during intercourse.

Candidiasis : Also known as a yeast infection in men, candidiasis can develop on the head of the penis. Along with itching under the foreskin and the head of the penis, this condition can cause redness, rash, burning, and discharge under the foreskin.

Gonorrhea : Includes symptoms such as pain when urinating, penile itching and penile discharge,urethritis…;

Chlamydia: Symptoms are often vague or even absent. If present, the patient will experience penile itching, discharge, and a burning sensation when urinating.

Trichomoniasis: Caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis and up to 70% of patients do not show any symptoms. Symptoms of the disease range from mild to severe inflammation. Men may experience itching of the penis, pain in the genitals, especially when urinating and during sex, and the penis secretes a foul-smelling fluid.

Scabies: This is a condition in which tiny mites burrow under the surface of the skin. These mites tend to burrow into skin folds, but can also burrow into the skin around the penis and male genital area. Scabies causes intense itching and you may notice small, raised bumps on your penis.

Contact dermatitis: This is a rash that can develop on the penis if it comes into contact with allergens such as soaps, perfumes, and fabrics. Along with itching, contact dermatitis can cause dry skin, a red rash on the genitals, and small bumps.

Balanitis : This is an inflammation of the glands of the penis. Other symptoms include soreness, itching, redness, and swelling. Some men also experience pain when urinating.

Ingrown hairs: Ingrown hairs at the base of the penis can be itchy and create painful, tender bumps or blisters.

Urethritis: This is inflammation of the tube (urethra) that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body. Other symptoms of urethritis include frequent urination, difficulty urinating, and blood in the semen.

2. When should I see a doctor?

There are some causes of penis itching that don’t require medical attention, such as ingrown hairs, which will heal on their own after about a week. Likewise, the itching, redness, and inflammation of contact dermatitis may resolve on their own once the allergen or irritant is removed. However, some conditions require treatment, so if your penis is severely itchy, doesn’t improve, or if you have accompanying symptoms such as discharge, blistering, pain, or a rash, you should see a doctor.

If your “little guy” is severely itchy and does not improve, you should see a doctor.
The normal frequency of itching is 1-2 times a day, which is completely fine. If the itching is so severe that men scratch many times a day and the skin area when scratched appears red spots, white patches or the skin area has raised lesions, lumps, these are signs of a serious illness.

Your doctor can diagnose the cause of penile itching after examining your skin or by ordering tests to confirm or rule out viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.

In some cases, your doctor will recommend over-the-counter or prescription creams, depending on the underlying cause of your penile itching:

  • Use antibiotics to reduce bacterial infections on the skin.
  • Use steroid and hydrocortisone creams to reduce skin itching, redness, and inflammation.
  • Antifungal medications to clear up fungal infections, including yeast infections.
  • Antihistamines reduce skin irritation caused by allergies.

3. What to do when penis is itchy?

Depending on the cause of penile itching, the doctor will have appropriate treatment measures. If the irritation is mild, the patient can be treated at home, however, in case of severe infection, especially due to sexually transmitted infections, medical intervention is required.

Abstain from sexual intercourse until the symptoms of penile itching are completely gone.

Avoid irritants if you have contact dermatitis, such as avoiding scented soaps and perfumes as well as certain fabrics or materials that irritate your skin.

Practicing good hygiene can also reduce itching. Bathe daily and clean your genital area thoroughly, including under the foreskin, to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria that can cause irritation and itching.

It is also important to dry your body completely after bathing. Moisture can encourage yeast growth.

If you have a history of ingrown hairs, avoid shaving close, shave in the direction of hair growth, and apply shaving cream before shaving to soften the skin.

Also, wear loose cotton underwear. Tight underwear can cause friction and skin rashes.

If you notice persistent itching of your penis, see your doctor if the itching does not improve or gets worse after using over-the-counter home remedies. Monitor your symptoms and see your doctor if you have sores, rashes, or symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease.

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