PT Health Life

Diet for people with gastroesophageal reflux

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Pt Health Life – In the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux, in addition to medication, diet and lifestyle play a particularly important role, helping to improve symptoms and control the disease effectively.

1. The importance of diet for people with gastroesophageal reflux

The importance of diet for people with gastroesophageal reflux

gastroesophageal reflux is a condition in which fluid and food in the stomach reflux into the esophagus, throat, or even the mouth and cause complications. Symptoms such as: acid reflux, heartburn, nausea, pain, burning chest, sore throat… If left for a long time, it can easily cause complications such as esophageal ulcers, esophageal stricture, and even cancer . esophageal cancer .

Therefore, gastroenterologists recommend that when there are signs of gastroesophageal reflux, patients should see a specialist for appropriate treatment instructions. In addition to taking medication, adjusting your lifestyle and diet are also effective measures to help improve symptoms of the disease.

A suitable diet plays a very important role for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease because some foods can help neutralize stomach acid , reduce the amount of acid reflux into the esophagus, thereby reducing the risk of acid reflux into the esophagus. Reduces unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn, sour belching, throat congestion…

A diet rich in fiber also helps promote the digestive system to operate more effectively, reduces pressure on the stomach, and limits reflux. Good nutrition also helps improve resistance, making the body healthier.

in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux, in addition to medication, diet and lifestyle play a particularly important role. .

Patients should have a healthy diet to control weight well, avoid being overweight or obese; You should eat foods rich in fiber and easily absorbed protein such as: green vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs, skinless poultry, seafood; Divide meals into smaller portions throughout the day, do not eat too much at each meal; Eat slowly, chew thoroughly, take 20-30 minutes for a meal; Prepare food by boiling, steaming, limit frying, stir-frying, and limit the use of strong spices.

Limit eating too liquid foods, do not drink a lot of water at a time; Limit eating citrus fruits such as lemons, grapefruit, oranges… which have a sour taste and a lot of acid; Avoid greasy foods, fried foods, processed foods , and processed starchy foods.

Avoid foods that can irritate the stomach and esophagus such as: coffee, tea, strong spices such as pepper, chili, mustard; Avoid eating styles that create a lot of gas in the stomach such as: eating quickly, using a straw when drinking water, chewing gum or drinking carbonated drinks…

2. Essential nutrients for the body of people with gastroesophageal reflux

2.1 Fiber

Fiber is an important part of a balanced diet that is good for the digestive system. When you increase fiber in your diet, digestion and stomach emptying happen faster, helping to prevent constipation.

Eating plenty of fiber also helps keep the lower esophageal sphincter from opening, helping move food faster to reduce pressure and bloating in the stomach. Fiber helps enhance intestinal motility, supports better food digestion, and reduces the burden on the stomach.

Fiber is found in many foods such as green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, broccoli,…); fruits (apples, pears, bananas…); whole grains (oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread…). Whole grains are a good source of healthy complex carbs, which help add fiber to the diet.

2.2 Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals play an important role in many body functions, including the immune system , digestive system, nervous system…

Patients should supplement foods rich in vitamin A to help strengthen the immune system and support the regeneration of stomach lining cells; Vitamin C helps prevent oxidation , protecting the body from the harmful effects of free radicals; Vitamin E helps reduce inflammation and supports digestive function; Calcium helps neutralize stomach acid, reducing the risk of reflux…

2.3 The protein

Protein provides the body with essential amino acids that help build and repair tissue and maintain muscle health. Lean meat, skinless poultry, fish, tofu, eggs, yogurt, soy milk… are good sources of protein, easily absorbed.

2.4 Healthy fats

Eating a lot of high -fat foods triggers gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and slows down the digestive process. Consuming a lot of fat can also easily lead to obesity, which is one of the factors that increase the risk of reflux.

Patients should limit or avoid saturated fats (usually found in meat and milk) and trans fats (in processed foods and fast foods). Replace with foods containing healthy fats from plants or fish such as: oils such as olive, sesame, canola, sunflower, nuts, fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovy…

3. Suggest some good foods for people with gastroesophageal reflux

3.1 Fresh vegetables

Fresh vegetables

Fresh vegetables and fruits are a safe choice for people with gastroesophageal reflux because they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that have good anti-inflammatory properties.

Patients should eat vegetables such as kale, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, pumpkins; melons, bananas, avocados, blueberries, raspberries… Limit citrus fruits and fruit juices because they often contain a lot of acid.

3.2 Ginger tea

Ginger is a spice that is rich in antioxidants and compounds such as phenolics that help reduce gastrointestinal irritation, reduce stomach contractions, and reduce the ability of acid to reflux from the stomach to the esophagus.

Drinking ginger tea aids digestion by stimulating saliva and enzymes in the stomach, helping to eliminate excess gas, soothing the intestines, improving symptoms of gastroesophageal acid reflux and effectively reducing nausea. .

3.3 Nuts

Many types of nuts provide fiber, nutrients and help absorb stomach acid. Almonds, peanuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are all healthy options.

3.4 Wholemeal bread

Wholemeal bread

Wholemeal bread is rich in good starch and fiber. When eaten, it acts like a sponge, absorbing excess acid in the stomach, bringing a pleasant feeling. The fiber in wholemeal bread also supports better digestion.

Pure yogurt

Although high-fat dairy often causes reflux, many people with GERD can tolerate low-fat and fat-free, unsweetened yogurt or yogurt made from plant sources such as almond yogurt. .

Pure yogurt is very good for the health of the digestive system, providing beneficial bacteria for the intestines, facilitating good absorption of nutrients while avoiding indigestion and bloating due to stomach disease. thick caused.

3.5 Oat

Oats are one of the good foods rich in healthy fiber, which is well absorbed in the stomach, thereby improving acid reflux into the esophagus.

The beta-glucan in oats is a soluble fiber that regulates the way fluid is absorbed from the digestive tract. It forms a gel-like substance when mixed with water. This solution coats the stomach and digestive tract. This coating feeds good bacteria in the intestines.

Therefore, eating oats regularly will help provide energy for healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract, leading to better digestion and minimizing symptoms of bloating and discomfort in the stomach and esophagus.

People with stomach disease and esophageal reflux should eat oatmeal, oat soup, oatmeal mixed with Greek yogurt…

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