PT Health Life

Give up the following eating habits to limit increased uric acid

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PT Health Life – One of the direct causes of gout is uric acid. Therefore, people who have the habit of eating a lot of purine-rich foods will increase the existing hyperuricemia.

This pushes them to become gout patients , causing rapid recurrence of gout attacks, difficulty controlling the disease and soon becoming chronic gout.

Patients with obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and dyslipidemia have gout and vice versa, gout patients are very susceptible to the above four diseases.

1. Eating habits are the leading cause of increased uric acid

Uric acid is the final catabolic product of exogenous and endogenous purine nucleotide metabolism in humans. People with high uric acid often have the following “bad” eating habits:

  • Drinking too much alcohol contributes to increased uric acid in the blood but also makes uric acid easily deposited in the organization.
  • Eat a lot of animal viscera and foods that contain a lot of protit.
  • Red meats contain purines. Among them, the two types of purines that account for the most in red meat are hypoxanthine and adenine, much higher than other foods. This is proven to be the leading factor that increases the risk of gout.
  • Eat seafood rich in purines including: anchovies, sardines, oysters, river mussels, salmon, tuna…
  • Mushrooms, bean sprouts, mint (along mosquito nets)… will increase the rate of uric acid synthesis in the body.
  • Processed meats: Canned foods (spring rolls, bacon, sausages, sausages, etc.) are absolutely not good for people with increased uric acid.
People who have a habit of eating a lot of purine-rich foods will increase the existing hyperuricemia.

2. How to limit increased uric acid

Purine is a compound that when absorbed and decomposed by the body will form uric acid, so if you want to reduce uric acid, you must limit purine absorption.

Purines are found in a number of foods, especially in high concentrations in wild game meat, tuna, salmon, cod, anchovies, herring, sardines, mussels, and smoked meats; products derived from milk, red meat, animal organs, sugary drinks, alcohol… Therefore, the simplest way is to limit these foods to reduce purines.

A reasonable diet will greatly improve the treatment and prevention of diseases. Foods that patients need to eat are:

  • Eat foods and green vegetables rich in fiber such as cucumbers, celery, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin, pears, apples, cherries…
  • Drink plenty of water, mineral water with bicarbonate, sake leaf decoction.
  • Grains.
  • Supplement vitamins, especially vitamin C.
  • Maintain a scientific lifestyle such as exercising gently every day with yoga exercises, getting enough sleep, not staying up late, and avoiding pressure and stress.
In addition, being overweight or obese and not controlling your weight also increases the risk of uric acid.

Index and meaning of uric acid test

How high the uric acid index causes illness is a concern for many people. According to medical standards, in men, blood uric acid levels considered normal will be in the range of 202 – 416 μmol/l; and in women it is from 143 – 399 μmol/l. Exceeding this limit means you have hyperuricemia. Uric acid levels in the blood will also increase or decrease depending on the diet. Uric acid levels will increase when consuming large amounts of purines in the body.

A uric acid test is not a diagnostic test for gout, but the symptoms of gout combined with high blood uric acid are the basis for the diagnosis. It is necessary to do other paraclinical tests to determine the cause: Uric acid in the blood increases due to increased uric acid production. Some common causes of decreased uric acid excretion are: Kidney failure; Alcoholism; Use diuretics; Heart failure…

When you see the following symptoms, you should have a uric acid blood test:

– Pain in toes, hands, ankles, knees…

– Redness and swelling in the joint areas

– The joint feels warm to the touch.

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