Hormonal disorders: Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
PT Health Life – Hormonal disorders (or endocrine disorders) can occur in both men and women at any age. In addition to age, some common habits increase the risk of endocrine disorders. This condition can also be caused by many other diseases.
1. Causes of hormonal disorders
The endocrine system in the human body is a network of glands that produce and release hormones, which influence the body’s metabolism, growth and development, sexual function and mood. . In particular, this system also has the “task” of controlling many important functions, including the function of energy metabolism to help cells and organs in the body function and operate.
Hormonal disorders can be due to many causes, in which the dysfunction originates from the peripheral endocrine glands such as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, testicles… (also called primary disorders). .
Secondary disorders originate from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, causing inhibition or excessive stimulation of peripheral endocrine glands.
Rarer causes are abnormal responses of target organs to endocrine hormones (often causing functional impairment).
Disorders can lead to increased hormone production causing hyperfunction or decreased hormone production causing dysfunction.
Female hormone disorders are often due to the following causes:
- Early menopause .
- Ovarian Cancer.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome.
- Premature ovarian failure syndrome.
- Hormone changes or birth control pills.
Hormonal disorders in men:
The cause of endocrine imbalance in men is often due to prostate cancer or male gonadal dysfunction due to low testosterone hormone.

2. Symptoms of hormonal disorders
To recognize endocrine disorders, people can rely on signs such as:
- The body is always in a state of pressure, tension, fatigue, boredom and sometimes has negative thoughts.
- Hormonal imbalance causes the skin to secrete more oil, clog pores, and cause acne.
- Sexual desire is reduced.
- Endocrine disorders in men cause erectile dysfunction , premature ejaculation, early menopause, poor concentration, loose muscles, sparse arm and leg hair…
- Endocrine disorders in women lead to menstrual disorders, continuous gynecological diseases, abnormally high blood pressure , hirsutism…
3. Who is susceptible to hormonal disorders?
Hormonal disorders or endocrine disorders can occur in both men and women at any age. In addition to age, some common habits increase the risk of endocrine disorders. This condition can also be caused by many other diseases.
Some diseases can also lead to female hormone disorders and male hormone disorders such as:
- Type 1 and 2 diabetes .
- Tumor in the pituitary gland.
- Goiter due to iodine deficiency.
- Hereditary pancreatitis.
- Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).
- Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
- Hyperglycemia (excessive glucagon production)… will cause hormonal disorders.
4. Prevent hormonal disorders
We can completely prevent hormonal imbalance thanks to changes in living habits:
- Make sure your diet provides adequate nutrients. Prioritize adding necessary foods to help balance hormones such as soybeans, carrots, potatoes, lettuce…
- Increase foods rich in unsaturated fats such as olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, avocado…
- Supplement fatty acids such as Omega-3, 6 from foods like mackerel, salmon, corn oil, soybeans…
- Drink enough water every day (1.5 – 2 liters) including filtered water, vegetable soup and fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
- Prioritize the use of clean foods with clear origins.
- Stay away from alcohol, beer, coffee, cigarettes… and stimulants.
- Build a balanced work-rest regime.
- Practice sports every day, prioritizing gentle exercises suitable for physical fitness such as walking, yoga, cycling…
- Get enough sleep, at least 7-8 hours every night.
- Maximum relaxation, no anger.
- Do not abuse birth control pills, only use as directed by your doctor.
- Perform regular blood tests to detect diseases early and treat them promptly.
- A nutritious diet will help prevent hormonal disorders.

5. Treatment of hormonal disorders
Depending on each specific individual, doctors prescribe appropriate treatment methods, depending on each condition.
When there is a hormone deficiency, the main treatment is hormone replacement. Depending on the type of deficiency, patients can supplement it orally or by injection. In cases of vaginal dryness due to changes in estrogen levels, estrogen-containing creams can be applied directly to vaginal tissues to reduce symptoms. Estrogen pills or rings to reduce vaginal dryness may also be considered.
Gels and patches containing testosterone may help reduce symptoms of male hypogonadism such as low testosterone levels due to delayed puberty. Cases of growth hormone deficiency are often injected with synthetic growth hormone.
There are many treatments for patients with excess hormones in the blood. For example, when a patient has a prolactin-secreting tumor that causes hyperprolactinemia, doctors often prescribe oral medication to shrink the tumor and surgery when necessary.
In addition to compliance with the treatment of hormonal disorders, changing lifestyle can also be effective in reducing symptoms of hormonal disorders. Specifically:
It is necessary to follow a balanced diet to maintain a reasonable and stable weight. At the same time, you should also avoid dishes that are too hot or spicy, as they can lead to hot flashes. Refined carbohydrates and packaged foods can also disrupt hormones, so they should be limited.
Reduce stress: Stress is one of the factors that make you susceptible to hormonal disorders and acne. You should rearrange your work schedule and take time to rest so your body can recover energy.
Exercises such as yoga or gentle meditation will help you stay healthy and make your skin and hair healthier and more beautiful.
Good personal hygiene: Cleanliness is extremely necessary, especially in areas with a lot of natural oils such as the face, neck, back and chest. You can also use acne cleansers, creams or gels to reduce severe acne.