PT Health Life

How does overweight and obesity affect sex in men?

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PT Health Life – Maintaining a healthy weight is important for men’s overall health. Overweight and obesity are often related to health conditions such as high cholesterol, heart attacks and diabetes… which have a significant impact on reproductive and sexual function.

1. Overweight and obesity cause hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the blood. If testosterone levels decrease and estrogen levels increase, men will gain weight. When this happens, men tend to gain weight in the abdominal area and this is when the weight begins to increase significantly. Most of the estrogen the male body makes is produced in fat cells. That’s why overweight men have higher estrogen levels than thinner men, which contributes to hormonal imbalance.

Testosterone is an important male hormone, testosterone levels affect sexual desire . When testosterone levels decrease, sexual desire also decreases.

2. Being overweight or obese is prone to erectile dysfunction

Men who are overweight or obese have a significant impact on reproductive and sexual function.

Overweight and obese men are at higher risk of high cholesterol , cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. All of these are factors that affect erectile ability by affecting blood flow. , tissue function and overall health. Men need good blood flow to the penis to get an erection, so anything that affects this factor can cause erectile dysfunction. Type 2 diabetes can also affect nerve function related to erections.

Blood vessels are weakened by excess fat, so erections are not as full and strong, and erections often do not last as long as before.

3. Overweight and obesity make sperm weak and cause infertility

Overweight and obesity are also directly related to infertility because it affects sperm quality. Decreased testosterone levels in the blood reduce sperm density, affecting sperm mobility , affecting the ability to conceive.

Sperm conditions include: azoospermia (when semen does not contain any sperm), oligospermia (low sperm count), abnormal shape (affects sperm’s ability to fertilize with the egg) and poor motility (a problem with the sperm’s ability to swim).

Overweight men were 11% more likely than those of normal weight to produce low sperm counts and 39% more likely to produce no sperm. Obese men are 42% more likely to have low sperm counts and 81% more likely to have no sperm production than men of normal weight.

Many studies show that men who consume a lot of saturated fat or who are obese have 35% lower sperm count and 38% lower sperm concentration than men with a healthy diet. strong.

Testosterone is a hormone necessary for spermatogenesis – the process of producing and developing mature sperm. Fat cells can reduce testosterone levels directly by converting it into a form of estrogen or indirectly through the production of leptin. As body fat increases, leptin production increases, reducing testosterone production. This means that obese men with high leptin levels will have low testosterone levels, reducing sperm production, sexual desire and erectile function… Besides, being overweight , obesity increases the risk of prostate cancer.

4. How to improve overweight and obesity to regain “manly form”

Overweight and obese men should be physically active and exercise regularly to improve their health.

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and can help prevent and manage many diseases and health conditions including sexual health. If men are overweight or obese, they are at increased risk of serious health problems. That’s why maintaining a healthy weight is important.

Regular physical activity and exercise can enhance sexual desire. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to a healthy sex life.

4.1 Healthy eating

– Eat a variety of foods from the five food groups (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals) and choose “whole”, less processed options. Reduce portion sizes, reduce meat and increase fiber such as adding more green vegetables and less sweet fruits, especially foods high in fiber.

– Reduce the amount of food containing a lot of added fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt, giving priority to cooking methods such as steaming and boiling.

– Avoid inappropriate diets and fad diets as they are not sustainable and can put you at risk of nutrient deficiencies.

– Drink water: Water is 100% calorie-free, helps burn more calories and can even suppress appetite if drunk before meals. The benefits are even greater when replacing sugary drinks with water. It’s a very easy way to cut back on sugar and calories.

– Limit alcohol, beer and other stimulants.

4.2 Move your body

Reduce the amount of time you spend sitting or lying down for long periods of time and increase your physical activity. Aim to do some physical activity every day, a good goal is 30 minutes of exercises such as gentle walking or cycling at a moderate pace to ensure you can breathe gently and regularly. Swimming is suitable for people with problems related to muscle and joint pain due to body load…

Each week, aim for 150 to 300 minutes (2½ to 5 hours) of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes (1¼ to 2½ hours) of vigorous-intensity physical activity, or a combination equivalent to moderate and vigorous activity.

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