PT Health Life – Regular exercise combined with a healthy diet is the most effective way to lose weight. But how long does it take to start seeing these results?
1. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you absorb
The body needs energy not only to maintain vital activities such as the activities of the cardiovascular system, excretory system, respiratory system… when sleeping and resting, but also needs energy for other activities such as working, study, practice…
Therefore, every day, everyone must consume calories for their body. However, if there are too many calories, these excess calories will form fat. When too much fat accumulates, it will cause weight gain.
Therefore, to lose weight safely , practitioners need to burn more calories than they absorb. in cases of regular exercise but the amount of calories consumed continuously in the body, it is impossible to lose weight.
Normally, the body needs 2,000 calories (for women) – 2,500 calories (for men) every day to maintain weight and ensure basic activities. Losing 1 kg per week is considered healthy. If you want to lose 1kg in 1 week, you need to burn about 1,100 calories every day.
Additionally, people who want to lose weight must also reduce their daily calorie intake by about 1,500 calories. Besides, the amount of calories consumed must always be lower than the amount of calories burned.

2. How long do you need to exercise to lose weight?
Many people who exercise want immediate weight loss results: Lose a few pounds, reduce bicep fat, reduce belly fat, firm abdominal muscles … Therefore, they use some unsafe weight loss methods, even Lice can affect health.

intensive dieting and intensive exercise are not beneficial. To lose weight, you can do moderate/high intensity exercises for 150 minutes or 250 minutes per week. When combining exercise and a healthy diet , practitioners can lose 1 kg/week in a healthy way. Cutting calories and exercising 150-250 minutes/week will help you lose weight faster.
However, to have noticeable weight loss results, a certain amount of exercise time is needed. Typically, it takes at least 6 weeks to actually see weight loss results.
The training plan should start with 3 weeks of basic training to help the trainee get used to the increased heart rate. This is followed by 1 week of moderate training, followed by 2 weeks of more intense strength training.
Additionally, weight loss can be achieved by building muscle mass with a bodybuilding or strength training cycle of at least 3 days per week for 10 to 12 weeks. When muscle increases, excess fat mass will decrease. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns, thereby helping you lose weight effectively.
Some exercises that can help lose weight : Jogging, cycling, swimming, weight training, squats, yoga, pilates…
It should be noted that practitioners should not focus on weight loss goals but practice continuously, without any rest time. This causes the practitioner to feel tired, have muscle pain, exhaustion, and even injury… Ideally, to lose weight safely and effectively, you should consult an expert before exercising and avoid these systems. Unfortunate consequences may occur.