PT Health Life

How to prevent and treat digestive disorders in children

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PT Health Life – The digestive system in children is not yet complete and weak, so children often suffer from digestive disorders, loss of appetite, feeling full quickly, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Parents should pay attention to their baby’s unusual expressions to ensure their child’s overall health.

1. Signs that children have digestive disorders

When the diet changes suddenly, the immature digestive system of young children is susceptible to disorders, reducing the ability to absorb nutrients, becoming a direct cause of malnutrition in children. Parents should pay attention to the following symptoms to promptly detect their baby’s digestive diseases:

Vomiting: Typical signs when children have digestive disorders . Vomiting or gastric reflux is a condition in which food is pushed back up into the stomach after swallowing because the baby’s digestive system is not yet complete. This condition will disappear as the child grows older.

Constipation: Children who eat a lot of greasy foods, hard foods, lots of protein, etc. Constipated children will lose their appetite, the body cannot absorb nutrients, gradually leading to rickets, malnutrition, and slower development. compared to peers.

Diarrhea: If a child has loose, watery stools many times a day, he or she is having diarrhea. Children with prolonged diarrhea are susceptible to dehydration and electrolyte loss.

Passing raw stools: The intestinal tract has an imbalance of bacteria, harmful bacteria thrive and overwhelm good bacteria, causing intestinal dysbiosis, manifested by passing raw stools, abdominal pain, bloating, and fullness. gas, difficulty digesting.

Bloating and bloating: About 2 hours after a meal, the baby’s stomach is still full and full of gas, and burping continuously because the undigested food will ferment, causing the baby’s stomach to become bloated, bloated, and pass a lot of gas.


2. Causes of digestive disorders in children

– Antibiotics not only kill harmful bacteria but also kill good bacteria, causing an imbalance in the intestinal ecosystem, causing children to have digestive disorders.

– Children’s weak resistance cannot prevent pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites… from causing disease.

– Improper nutrition, children eat a lot of fried foods, sweets, sausages, protein-rich dishes, drink carbonated water and soft drinks but eat little green vegetables, fresh fruits, and vitamins, causing indigestion metabolism, malabsorption, prone to bloating, diarrhea, and loose stools.

– Other diseases such as gastritis, enteritis, and irritable bowel syndrome are also causes of digestive disorders in children.

3. What should be done when children have long-term digestive disorders ?

Digestive diseases are quite common in young children and can be completely cured. But parents should not be subjective because if left for a long time, it will lead to chronic intestinal damage. Besides, food cannot be completely digested, children cannot absorb nutrients, leading to malnutrition, rickets, and slow development. Therefore, to avoid affecting the baby’s comprehensive development, parents need to find the cause and handle it promptly.

– Adequate and reasonable nutrition: Drink enough water, increase fiber, green vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruits such as spinach, kale, carrots, cauliflower, etc. to keep the digestive system active. Healthy movement, better metabolism. Eat more foods rich in zinc such as oysters, egg yolks, peanuts, sweet potatoes, etc. to support immune cell regeneration, reducing the risk of diarrhea and infection. Mothers should note that they should choose fresh food with clear origin and ensure hygiene when processing.

– Create a scientific, clean and healthy lifestyle. Parents should train their children in the habit of washing their hands before eating, chewing food thoroughly, and dividing meals into small portions to help reduce pressure on the digestive system, so children will eat better and absorb better. Children need to exercise every day with gentle, age-appropriate exercises to promote the digestive system to work effectively.

– Avoid stress and pressure that causes your child to lose appetite and inhibit the digestive process. It is necessary to create a happy atmosphere so that the baby enjoys eating.

In addition, to prevent and promptly treat digestive disorders, mothers can supplement probiotics for their children because probiotics contain beneficial bacteria that are good for the intestines, help balance the microflora, and help children eat. Delicious, improves gastrointestinal health, helps avoid gastrointestinal diseases including digestive disorders.

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