PT Health Life

Is drinking hot tea or cold tea better for your health?

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PT Health Life – Tea is the most popular beverage in the world. In addition to a hot cup of tea to keep you warm in the cold weather, you can also enjoy iced tea and lemon tea in the summer. So is drinking hot tea or cold tea better for your health?

Hot or cold tea both have great health benefits

1. Health benefits of tea, whether drinking hot or cold

Pure tea is low in calories whether you drink it hot or cold. Tea ( green tea , black tea , ….) contains strong antioxidants and health-beneficial substances such as polyphenols and catechins.

The following are the health benefits of tea:

  • Reduce cardiovascular risk. Drinking 2 cups of tea a day can reduce cardiovascular risk by 26%, while drinking 3 cups of green tea a day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death by 26%.
  • Drinking green tea and black tea reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes.
  • Lower blood pressure: Drinking tea is beneficial for people with high blood pressure because catechins in green tea and black tea can help slightly lower blood pressure, because catechins have the effect of soothing the smooth muscles that form blood vessels.
  • Improve mental health: Drinking tea regularly can prevent depression and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Aids in weight loss: Polyphenols in green tea can help boost metabolism, while polyphenols in black tea can prevent and control obesity.
Types of tea (such as green tea, black tea,…) are beneficial for heart health, improve mood, and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, herbal teas such as chrysanthemum tea, etc. bring health benefits such as improving sleep, reducing menstrual pain, reducing menopausal symptoms, and reducing anxiety and stress.

2. The difference in health benefits of drinking hot tea versus cold tea

2.1. Health benefits of hot tea

In cold weather, there’s nothing happier than enjoying a cup of hot tea. The benefits of hot tea can be listed as follows:

Hot tea reduces the risk of glaucoma (Glaucoma)

Glaucoma (glaucoma) is the leading cause of permanent blindness.

In population-based studies, drinking hot tea may reduce the risk of glaucoma.

Hot tea is a thermogenic food, helping you keep your body warm in cold weather

According to research, people who regularly drink a cup of hot tea every day are less likely to get glaucoma, the risk is 74% lower than people who do not have this habit.

A cup of hot tea helps improve your mood

A cup of hot tea can help improve your mood by calming your nerves and making you more alert. Drinking tea can reduce the risk of depression by 30%.

Tea contains substances such as caffeine, polyphenols, saponins and L-theanine that reduce inflammation, affect the brain on nerve pathways and increase dopamine levels – a neurotransmitter that helps promote a happy mood. .

Furthermore, the culture of enjoying tea positively affects your emotions and mood. Just preparing to make a cup of tea will help boost your mood.

Hot tea helps keep the body warm and protects the respiratory tract in cold weather

According to some researchers, the stomach is a temperature “sensing” organ. Therefore, hot or cold drinks can change your body’s temperature response. In cold weather, drinking hot water within 10 minutes will prevent your body from shivering when going out in the cold.

So, in winter, enjoy hot tea to keep your body warm. When drinking hot tea, your throat is also “steamed”, preventing flu and colds in the winter.

2.2. Health benefits of cold tea

Tea is a popular drink in Vietnam and around the world. Iced tea and lemon tea on the sidewalk are popular and “delicious, nutritious, and cheap” drinks, helping to cool down and have many health benefits in hot weather.

Here are the benefits of drinking cold tea (ice tea, lemon tea,…) to cool down on summer days:

Cold tea contains higher levels of active compounds

According to a study by Lantano et al. in 2015, cold tea helps optimize the beneficial properties of tea, such as significantly increased antioxidants, phenolic content and gallic acid concentrations. However, you still have to brew it hot to let the tea steep before adding ice or after the tea cools, put it in the refrigerator.

Cold tea has many advantages for heart health

Although some experts believe that iced tea contains more antioxidants due to the longer time spent steeping in water, more research is needed to prove it. The amount of antioxidants in different types of tea depends significantly on the tea leaf variety, cultivation method, production process, etc.

Cold tea contains lower caffeine content than hot tea

Researcher Claire M and colleagues in 2018 found that decaffeinated herbal tea consumed at cool temperatures had superior benefits for heart health compared to hot tea.

Cold temperatures are thought to promote higher metabolic activity and fatty acid oxidation, contributing to overall cardiovascular health. These effects may be beneficial for people who cannot use thermogenic drugs due to obesity, hypertension, or other heart problems. However, according to the researchers, more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of decaffeinated cold tea for weight loss.

Cold tea contains lower levels of caffeine

According to research, a cup of black tea contains about 25-48 mg of caffeine, and a cup of green tea contains about 25-29 mg of caffeine.

If you’re trying to cut back on caffeine, according to research by Lin et al. In 2014, cold tea will help you do that. Drinking iced tea or cool tea will reduce the amount of caffeine absorbed into the body from tea. This is something that will appeal to many people in the summer when they want to enjoy a cool glass of lemon tea or iced tea (black tea, green tea,…) without having to worry too much about the side effects of caffeine.

However, when drinking cool tea to cool down in the summer, you should also pay attention to the amount of sugar in your body. In addition, when drinking hot or cool tea, you can also add herbs to enhance the flavor such as fresh mint leaves in summer or a cinnamon stick in winter.

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