PT Health Life

Is it okay to remove pubic hair?

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PT Health Life – Many people think that pubic hair causes odor and is unhygienic and want to remove hair in this area. So should we shave, bleach, or remove hair from our private areas?

Benefits of pubic hair:

– Protects the vagina from bacteria and other pathogens: Similar to eyelashes, nose hair, pubic hair acts as a barrier to prevent the penetration of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause infections. such as vaginal yeast or vaginal infection…

– Reduce friction in private areas : Daily activities such as walking, cycling… always create a certain amount of friction in the groin area. Pubic hair helps reduce friction on the skin, thereby limiting possible irritation in this sensitive area.‏ ‏

– Maintains genital temperature : On cold days, pubic hair helps keep the genital area warm. On the contrary, on hot summer days, the pubic hairline secretes a cooling oil to reduce heat in this area.

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