PT Health Life

List of foods that are harmful to people with thyroiditis

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PT Health Life – Diet and lifestyle changes can help improve the health of people with thyroiditis. To prevent hypothyroidism, patients need to avoid or minimize foods that cause inflammation in the body.

1. The relationship between diet and thyroiditis

Thyroiditis is caused by an attack on the thyroid gland, causing inflammation and damage to thyroid cells. There are also a number of different causes depending on the type of inflammation.

The most common cause is autoimmune disease . The immune system attacks the body instead of protecting it. Antibodies that attack the thyroid gland cause most types of thyroiditis.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common type of thyroiditis. In Hashimoto’s disease, the immune system perceives the thyroid gland as abnormal and produces antibodies against the thyroid gland.

Environmental factors such as pollution, sedentary lifestyle, stress, medications, unhealthy eating habits and infections are triggers for many autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Many studies have investigated the benefits of diet on autoimmune diseases. The focus is often on avoiding foods that contribute to inflammation and eating foods that help reduce inflammation.

Inflammatory foods are harmful to thyroid function.

When the body is inflamed, more antibodies are produced, leading to increased autoimmune disease activity. Prolonged inflammation increases the risk of many chronic diseases. Studies show that inflammation is closely related to changes in thyroid function in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Certain nutrients or dietary habits may alter autoantibody levels in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

There is a lot of evidence that inflammatory foods can cause intestinal imbalance, bacterial overgrowth, increased intestinal permeability and oxidative stress, and that this inflammatory response promotes the occurrence of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

To more effectively prevent hypothyroidism in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, controlling inflammation in the diet is essential.

2. People with thyroiditis need to avoid foods that cause inflammation

Besides anti-inflammatory foods, there are also a number of other foods known to contribute to inflammation and promote inflammation in the body such as: red meat, processed foods , refined grains, Refined sugar, fried foods…

According to MSc.BS. Nguyen Xuan Tuan, Lecturer at University of Medicine and Pharmacy – Hanoi National University, people with thyroiditis should abstain from eating refined sugar, processed foods, fast food, high-fat foods… because of these types of foods. This food can cause inflammation, worsening autoimmune symptoms.

Avoid milk and dairy products. Some Hashimoto’s patients with autoimmune disease may be lactose intolerant or sensitive to milk (lactose).

Coffee and alcohol consumption should be limited, because caffeine in coffee reduces free thyroid levels in the blood. Alcohol negatively affects thyroid function.

Avoid eating a lot of iodine-rich foods such as seafood, seaweed, etc. Absorbing too much iodine can worsen thyroid problems in Hashimoto’s patients. However, iodine should not be completely eliminated to avoid imbalance in thyroid function.

Avoid consuming too much cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower… because cruciferous vegetables contain goitrogen compounds that can interfere with thyroid function by inhibiting iodine absorption. Should be cooked before eating…

People with thyroiditis should avoid eating sweets.

3. List of foods that are harmful to people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

  • Added sugars and sweets: Refined sugar, soda, energy drinks, cakes, cookies, ice cream, candy, sugary cereals…
  • Fast food and fried foods: French fries, hot dogs, fried chicken, fatty baked goods.
  • Refined grains: White flour, white bread, white noodles, bagels…
  • Highly processed foods and meats: Frozen foods, margarine, cold cuts, bacon, sausages…
  • Grains and foods containing gluten: Wheat, barley, rye, cookies, bread.
  • Fruits with high glycemic index: mango, longan, lychee, pineapple, grapes…
  • Drinks: Milk, wine, beer, alcoholic drinks…
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