PT Health Life

Otitis mastoiditis should be cautious with brain abscess complications

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PT health Life – Mastoid otitis is a condition in which the mastoid bone and middle ear are damaged. The disease can occur in both adults and children, in which mastoiditis is more common in children.

1. Causes of mastoid otitis

1.1 Mastoid otitis is divided into 2 main types:

Acute otitis media : Often appears after otitis media. Usually the patient had otitis media about 20 days earlier with mastoiditis.

Chronic mastoid otitis: Determined when ear discharge lasts for more than 3 months. When it has progressed to this stage, the disease can cause many dangerous complications such as meningitis, facial motor nerve paralysis, brain abscess , neck abscess, peripharyngeal abscess… easily leading to death. dead.

– Otitis media is not treated well.

– Complications of acute and chronic otitis media.

– Otitis media following influenza, measles, whooping cough and diphtheria.

– Infection by bacteria such as Haemophilus influenza, Staphylococcus or Streptococcus.

Mastoid otitis is a condition in which the mastoid bone and middle ear are damaged.

2. Symptoms of mastoiditis

  • Acute mastoiditis

There are symptoms of fever, earache , hearing loss that are gradually decreasing, suddenly high fever returns with a temperature of 39 – 40 degrees Celsius, there may be meningeal reactions such as delirium, convulsions…

Physical weakness, fatigue, infection, poisoning, high fever of 39 – 40 degrees Celsius. In children, convulsions and bulging fontanels can be seen similar to meningitis.

Patients feel pain deep in the ear, with pulsating pain being the main symptom, with increased pain spreading to the mastoid and temporal areas, headaches, hearing loss, conduction type often accompanied by tinnitus and mild dizziness. . Ear discharge increases or decreases due to blockage of pus drainage, and the pus has a putrid smell.

When examined, the surface of the mastoid bone is often red and painful when pressed. Pressing on the surface of the mastoid has a clear painful reaction.

Thick ear pus has a foul smell, is green or yellow, and sometimes has blood streaks. There may be signs of swelling in front of the ear flap, swelling behind the ear, the ear flap being pushed forward, loss of folds behind the ear, pus flowing down the neck along the sternocleidomastoid muscle causing swelling. neck area, turning the neck is difficult, pus can break the skin in this area and create fistulas.

After cleaning the ear pus, the eardrum is red and swollen, the hole is often close to the ear canal, the bones are jagged, and the bottom of the hole is swollen and congested.

  • Chronic mastoiditis

Symptoms are similar to chronic purulent otitis media, but at a more severe level. Patients have frequent ear discharge, this is the main symptom. Thick pus in the ear, often with a rotten or putrid smell – this is a dangerous sign that the ear contains cholesteatoma, which can erode bones and cause intracranial complications.

Dull ear pain, patients often complain of severe headache in the affected ear, constant dull pain, sometimes with paroxysms.

Hearing loss increases significantly. When examining the ear, the hole in the eardrum is often large, has jagged edges, close to the bone, and polyps in the tympanic cavity or cholesteatoma may be seen. There is a lot of rotten pus, there may be white pieces of cholesteatoma.

Hearing measurement shows that hearing in the affected ear is reduced, but the degree of hearing loss depends on the severity of the disease.

In some cases, mastoiditis can lead to brain abscess and other complications involving the bones of the skull. Symptoms of these diseases include severe headaches and swelling behind the eyes, also known as papilledema.

3. Treatment and prevention of otitis media

Depending on the condition after the examination, the doctor will prescribe medical or surgical treatment, depending on the symptoms and disease progression. In some cases, timely surgery is needed to avoid complications.

To prevent otitis media, it is necessary to treat otitis media early, because otitis media is the leading cause of mastoiditis, early treatment of this disease can prevent the infection from spreading to the mastoid.

In addition, vaccination is necessary to prevent disease, because unvaccinated people are susceptible to pneumococcal infection, which causes otitis media and thereby leads to mastoiditis.

A 9-year-old child is in critical condition due to complications from a brain abscess caused by an ear infection

Doctors at Nghe An Obstetrics and Children’s Hospital have just successfully performed emergency surgery on a critically ill child due to mastoiditis complicated by brain abscess.

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