PT Health Life – Dense hair areas such as armpits, legs, private areas… make many people feel uncomfortable and lose confidence. So should I remove hair or not and what method is suitable for hair removal?
1. What is hair removal?
that hair removal is a method to help remove unwanted hairy areas on the body, to achieve aesthetic results and convenience. benefit the people.
Hair removal has some of the following effects:
- Hair removal helps you become more confident and attractive.
- Hair removal helps reduce body odor, because dense hair causes sweat to stay longer, causing unpleasant body odor.
- Hair removal also helps avoid inflammation caused by medical problems such as folliculitis, rashes, and acne, which are often concentrated in dense hair areas, because there is the perfect place to stay for hair. bacteria and dirt.
2. Should I remove hair?
Fur has many functions for the body such as keeping warm, regulating body temperature, and in some animals they also act as a weapon to protect the body against external threats (like porcupine quills)…
Over thousands of years of evolution, the hair on the human body today has gradually decreased, but it still has a certain effect in protecting the body, for example, hair protects the scalp from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and other harmful substances. environmental impact; eyebrows and eyelashes protect our eyes…
However, in some other locations such as armpit hair, pubic hair… the hair has little effect but they often grow densely so more and more people need to remove and reduce hair in those locations.
emphasized that before deciding whether to remove hair or not, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor to determine whether it is physiological or pathological hirsutism.
“If you just observe with the naked eye and see that the hair is too dense and go for hair removal, it is not right. You need to be examined by a doctor to know if the hairiness is due to genetics, physiology, or if it is due to some other disease. For example, in In polycystic ovary syndrome, patients will have excessive hair growth on the mustache, limbs, etc. Or in other endocrine disorders (Cushing’s syndrome), hair grows a lot in places where there is usually very little hair. .. Therefore, it is necessary to do investigations to find the cause and treat it in the right direction, then the hair will gradually reduce without needing to eliminate it

3. Hair removal methods
Currently, there are many ways to remove hair, but according to dermatologists, not all hair removal methods are safe for the skin. Many people think that just shaving or waxing is enough. That is a mistake because if you only shave or wax, you can only deal with the hair, but the hair follicles are not thoroughly treated. After a while, the new hair that grows will be denser and darker than the original hair. old. Furthermore, shaving will make the skin susceptible to damage and dark spots, causing loss of aesthetics.
These are two technologies that use light energy to inhibit the growth of hair follicles, with a mechanism of action on the blood vessel cluster that feeds hair follicles and the group of hair germ pigment cells.
If these hair removal methods are performed by experienced doctors and technicians at a reputable facility, the risks are relatively low, limiting the risk of burns, outbreaks of infections, viral infections, etc.
4. Who should not have hair removal?
People with existing skin lesions such as dermatitis; the body has a history of sensitivity to light and sunlight; people with certain systemic diseases; People who are taking oral medications or systemic light-sensitive medications should not remove hair with laser or IPL.
5. Can hair be removed permanently?
The essence of hair removal is to remove hair from unwanted skin areas. Currently, there are advertisements that removing hair just once is forever clean, according to Dr. Quan, this is impossible. Because at the same time, there are two large groups of hair: a group of hairs that are growing and a group of hairs that are regressing.
When laser or IPL light is applied, the growing hair group (the group with a lot of melanin) will absorb the most, so removing hair once or even many times is very difficult to remove hair permanently, but can only be removed. just reduce the amount of hair.
6. Be careful when removing hair
Before hair removal, it is necessary to determine whether it is physiological hirsutism or pathological hirsutism.
Care after laser or IPL hair removal:
- After hair removal, the affected skin area may be slightly red, so you need to limit exposure to high temperatures, limit rubbing in that area (such as bathing in hot springs, rock salt…), and other side effects. Vigorous movement will further irritate the skin.
- Apply moisturizer to soften and soothe the skin, gently minimizing side effects.