PT Health Life

Simple way to prevent breast cancer

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PT Health Life – Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer globally and is the second leading cause of death in women.

Although breast cancer is a condition that can be well controlled and detected with early diagnosis, what is causing the unfortunate increase, in addition to genetic risk, is the changing environment and increasingly changing lifestyles. change. Late pregnancy, obesity , pollution, improper diet and hormonal changes are some of the reasons behind the increase in cases.

Like other forms of cancer, although breast cancer can strike at any time, there are a number of risk factors and lifestyle changes that can put a person at higher risk and, therefore, must be prevented at the source for a healthier life.

1. Factors that can increase the risk of breast cancer in women

Below are some factors and causes that increase the risk of breast cancer that women should know to try to prevent:

1.1 Weight gain

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems affecting people globally. Although weight gain causes problems with waist circumference, cholesterol and increases the risk of vascular diseases, obesity is also found to be one of the factors that can increase the risk of developing cancer. breast. Breast cancer is also a condition that gets worse when women are overweight after menopause .

When the body’s fat cell distribution is higher, women produce more estrogen, which can cause some cancer cells to grow and cause trouble. Obesity is also associated with higher insulin levels, which can also contribute to diabetes and other hormonal disorders. So, no matter what age a woman is, it is important to maintain weight and prevent weight gain. Adjust your diet, exercise and exercise to fight excess fat. Remember, the more weight you lose, the less likely you are to develop breast cancer, especially after age 45.

1.2 Improper diet

A healthy diet helps prevent breast cancer.

Diet is also an important factor in checking cancer risk. A high-fat diet not only contributes to an increased risk of obesity but is also a major risk factor for breast cancer. Improper or poor dietary choices can lead to the growth of fat cells in the body, which in turn increases estrogen levels. Therefore, it is necessary to limit or minimize the intake of junk food, processed foods , alcohol, meat, added sugars and refined carbs.

1.3 Drink alcohol

Must limit alcohol and tobacco consumption. Studies have highlighted that the risk of breast cancer increases with greater alcohol consumption. According to estimates, women who tend to drink more than 1 glass of alcohol a day have a 7-10% higher risk of cancer than women who do not drink alcohol, and the percentage risk increases even more when they regularly drink alcohol. Drink more drinks regularly.

Although for beginners it is important not to let a drinking habit become a chronic habit, women who drink alcohol regularly should first try to cut down on their intake and not have more than one drink per drink. day. For preventive habits, be mindful and aware of the amount of alcohol you drink each time you drink.

1.4 History of reproductive process

Although having children or becoming pregnant at any age is a woman’s personal choice, according to experts, late pregnancy as well as a higher proportion of women who tend not to have children will have a high risk of breast cancer. than.

With later or no pregnancy, breast tissue is exposed to higher levels of estrogen over time, which can certainly increase the risk, especially if other risk factors are present. Conversely, the risk of breast cancer may be reduced in women who tend to become pregnant before or in their 30s and in women who have more children.

What can also affect breast cancer risk is choosing not to breastfeed. According to many studies, reducing the risk of breast cancer is one of the “benefits” of breastfeeding for up to a year.

Therefore, one must determine a person’s risk of breast cancer and conduct pre-screening and discuss reproductive history with specialists.

1.5 Early menstruation and late menopause

Similar to reproductive history, experts also believe that women with early menarche (starting menstruation before age 12) or much later menopause also have higher estrogen exposure, which can affect to breast tissues. Women facing such risks should have more frequent checkups and be informed about the risk of breast cancer.

1.6 Thick breast tissue density

People with dense breasts tend to have more fibrous tissue and less fat deposits in their breasts, which can also increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Doctors also say that dense breasts can make it difficult to detect or visualize cancer cells in the breast during a mammogram or may require other forms of imaging techniques.

Additionally, certain types of cell abnormalities or non-cancerous breast conditions (benign problems) can also increase the risk of developing breast cancer as a type of risk factor.

1.7 Use some form of birth control

Hormonal changes and disruptions are commonly linked to several forms of cancer, including breast cancer. Use of birth control, especially types that may include higher hormonal use (such as birth control pills, implants, IUDs, etc.) may increase the risk or likelihood of diagnosis. breast cancer. Studies also mention that women who choose postmenopausal hormone treatment also have a higher risk than the general population.

2. Prevent breast cancer in women

Mammogram at K Central Hospital.

To effectively prevent the risk of breast cancer, it is necessary to have a scientific diet, lifestyle, regular breast examinations and proactive early screening for the disease. Women should take the following measures:

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, kale… can reduce the incidence of breast cancer by 20 – 40% because cruciferous vegetables are rich in glucosinolates. This active ingredient has the ability to inhibit cell proliferation and prevent tumor formation in the breast.

Reduce some fat: Foods high in fat such as cakes, pizza, sausages… contain a lot of unhealthy fats, increasing the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, to prevent this disease, women need to avoid foods rich in fat.

Limit alcoholic beverages: Consuming a lot of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of breast cancer because increased alcohol intake stimulates estrogen production, facilitating cell division. Therefore, it is necessary to limit alcohol and carbonated drinks.

Quit smoking: Women who smoke increase their risk of breast cancer by 30%, especially smoking before the age of 20 and at least 20 cigarettes a day. To prevent breast cancer, women need to avoid smoking and inhaling passive tobacco smoke.

Regularly checking breasts: This is a measure recommended by doctors to promptly detect signs of breast cancer right at home.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Always follow a proper diet and exercise regularly. Do not quit smoking and limit the use of alcoholic beverages.

Exercise: Is a very effective way to help protect and prevent breast cancer because it reduces the body’s risk of obesity.

Periodic examination: Periodic examination every 6 months to check for breast abnormalities and receive timely treatment.

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