PT Health Life

Stomach pain, a disease that young people are now faced with !

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Stomach pain is a condition in which the stomach is damaged mainly due to ulcers. People with stomach pain will often feel a dull pain and extreme discomfort. When the patient eats too much or is too hungry, they can experience pain. If the patient works too hard or feels stressed, pain will appear. The patient’s erratic mood also increases pain.

1. What is Stomach Pain?

Stomach Pain, Illustration

Stomach pain, also known as stomach pain, is a phenomenon in which the stomach lining is damaged and ulcerated without treatment, leading to ulcers, burning, and discomfort.
Patients often have prolonged stomach pain, often at night and in the morning.
Pain also often occurs when hungry or when eating hot, spicy or sour foods.
Characteristics of this disease are indigestion, bloating, flatulence, heartburn, stomach bleeding, nausea, loss of appetite, and epigastric pain.
Although the names of the diseases are different, they are still the same disease.
Stomach pain causes many negative effects on the patient’s life and activities.
If not detected and treated promptly, the disease can cause dangerous complications such as stomach bleeding, stomach perforation…

2. Causes of Stomach Pain

  • Hp infection: 80% of patients with stomach pain are caused by Helicobacter Pylori (Hp) bacteria.
  • Smoking: Smoking habits stimulate the secretion of HCL and Pepsin, leading to erosion of the stomach lining.
  • Alcohol and stimulant abuse: Alcohol and other alcoholic beverages cause digestive diseases.
  • Unhealthy eating habits: Improper eating, indigestible food, unsafe food…

3. Symptoms of Stomach Pain

  • Epigastric pain: Pain is often concentrated above and to the left of the lower rib area. Pain also often occurs when hungry or when eating hot, spicy or sour foods.
  • Burping : The feeling of belching often occurs after eating or drinking, and is often accompanied by unpleasant breath odor.
  • Bloating: Feeling of fullness, indigestion and tension in the stomach area.

4. How to Treat Stomach Pain and Stomach Pain

Stomach pain and stomach pain are often treated through lifestyle and diet changes, medication, and regular doctor visits.
Here are some common treatments:

1. Change your diet: Avoid spicy foods, stimulants, smoking, alcohol, caffeine, and acidic foods. Prioritize light and easy-to-digest foods.
Eat small meals many times a day.

2. Drink plenty of water: Keeping the body well-hydrated also helps reduce stomach and stomach pain. Avoid consuming foods that aggravate the condition, such as greasy foods, hot spicy foods, and cold foods.

3. Medication: Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers, stomach acid suppressants, or stomach lining protectors.

4. Professional treatment: In some more severe cases, your doctor may recommend specialized treatments such as laser technology or surgery.

5. Regularly exercise and play sports to help reduce stress and have healthy digestion.


To relieve stomach pain, you can try some home remedies such as massaging your abdomen, drinking lots of water, limiting eating indigestible foods, and breathing regularly, limiting negative thoughts, and exercising. Healthy living habits will greatly benefit your health 

If stomach pain persists or becomes severe, seek medical advice to ensure your health.

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