PT Health Life

The 29-Year-Old Girl Got Stomach Cancer When She Did This

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1. This girl’s bad habits are also something that many young people today have

Recently, news about a 29-year-old girl named Cao living in Shanghai, China with Signet ring cell carcinoma in the stomach caused a stir among netizens. This is a rare and highly dangerous type of cancer.

Ms. Cao said she works as a livestream (broadcasting live on social networks). At first, she thought she had a mild stomach ache due to work pressure. She shared:  “I have a lot of pressure at work. Like many young people today, I don’t always eat on time, often skip breakfast, and drink a lot of coffee and alcohol.”

Illustration. Ms. Cao suffered from stomach cancer when she was too young.

Ms. Cao’s habits are not strange in today’s society. In recent years, there has been much news about young people being diagnosed with signet ring cell cancer in China.

According to experts, unlike regular stomach tumors, Signet ring cell carcinoma does not have an obvious large mass but the entire stomach wall is covered by tumor cells.

Because of this characteristic, it is difficult to detect signet ring cell carcinoma with conventional CT scans and the symptoms are often unclear.

Signet ring cell carcinoma occurs more often in young people, especially young women.

2. Signet ring cell carcinoma – “king of stomach cancers”

Signet ring cell carcinoma is often dubbed the “king of stomach cancer” due to its strong invasive ability, rapid disease progression and high level of malignancy.

According to Dr. Li Li, head of the Department of Gastroenterology at Yangpu District Central Hospital in Shanghai, Signet ring cell carcinoma is very dangerous, has no symptoms in the early stages, and quickly spreads along the lower layer. mucosa. It usually only takes 6-12 months for patients to progress to the advanced stage, and the survival rate after 5 years is almost 0.

This type of cancer has some typical symptoms such as the stomach becoming hard and motility function being worse. However, the initial symptoms of the disease are often mild, with no obvious symptoms, most patients are not detected until the middle and late stages.

Initial symptoms are similar to those of gastritis or stomach ulcers, including bloating and discomfort or dull pain, belching, nausea, acid reflux, loss of appetite, etc.

3. How to prevent stomach cancer

3.1. Regular gastroscopy

The following subjects should have regular endoscopy at the doctor’s request:

– Men and women over 40 years old.

– People in areas with high rates of stomach cancer;

– People infected with Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

– Patients with chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcers, gastric polyps and other stomach diseases.

– First-degree relatives of stomach cancer patients.

There are also other high risk factors for stomach cancer (eating too much salt, grilled meat, pickled foods, drinking too much alcohol, etc.).


3.2. Eat healthy, don’t smoke or drink alcohol

First of all, you must eat regularly, not skip meals or eat too much at one meal.

To prevent stomach cancer, you should pay attention to your eating habits that are high in fat and salty foods, and minimize these foods.

Nicotine contained in cigarette smoke can damage the stomach lining, promote the formation of gastritis and stomach ulcers, and slow down the wound healing process. Drinking too much alcohol can further irritate the stomach and cause inflammation.

3.3. Keep a happy mood

The stomach and emotions are also closely linked.

Dr. Liu Jing, deputy head of the Department of Gastroenterology at the First Medical Center of the People’s Liberation Army General Hospital, China, mentioned in a stomach health charity campaign that intense work High altitude and excessive mental stress can also cause stomach problems, and in severe cases, stress ulcers can occur.

Therefore, regulating emotions is also very important. Reducing stress, improving mood and sleep will help prevent stomach cancer.

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