PT Health Life

The fastest way to lose weight is running

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PT Health Life – Many people choose jogging to burn calories, burn excess fat and lose weight. However, how does jogging help you lose weight the fastest?

One of the most popular methods that people use to burn fat, burn calories, lose weight is jogging .

Running is a great workout that helps improve cardiovascular health, regulate the body and increase leg endurance. However, when running and losing fat, it is necessary to continuously challenge the body to be able to improve. The reason is that if you run regularly at the same distance and speed, your body will adapt and over time will burn fewer calories. Therefore, to burn more fat, more calories and lose weight quickly, you need to change your running habits such as increasing distance, increasing speed, and combining interval training with other exercises.

Some of the following ways to run will help burn fat , maintain muscle and achieve weight loss goals fastest:

1. Sprinting on the machine helps lose weight effectively

This is a simple sprint exercise on an inclined treadmill that can be done at home if you have a treadmill or at the gym. As your body warms up, set the treadmill to a 3 to 5 percent incline and to a speed where you can run at a higher intensity.

– Run quickly for 30 seconds, then stop running.

– Rest for 30 seconds, then run again.

– Repeat for 8 to 10 rounds.

Sprinting on the machine helps lose weight effectively.

2. Run on the track

Can run in a stadium with a track:

– Start by running one full lap around the track at a fast, steady pace.

– After completing the lap, slow down and recover by jogging at a slower pace or walking briskly for 2 to 3 minutes.

– Depending on fitness level, you can jog for 4 to 8 rounds.

Running on the track is also a way to lose weight.

3. Running uphill

Hill running (climbing hills or stairs) is a very effective exercise for burning fat and improving the body’s anaerobic regulation. This exercise can be performed as an independent exercise or as a finishing exercise after a long steady-state workout.

When jogging on a slope, the muscles of the thighs, back and buttocks are most active. Running uphill is a good solution for people who want to burn excess fat and have a toned and slim body. The number of calories burned when running uphill is higher than when running on flat ground. However, this is also affected by many other factors, such as: Time, slope and speed of the exercise.

Hill running is a very effective exercise for burning fat.

In addition, running uphill also helps improve cardiovascular health, helps keep knee joints flexible…

– You should start from the bottom of the slope and run uphill as fast as possible until you reach the top. Then, go down the slope slowly.

– Reduce heart rate and breathe evenly.

– Repeat for 3 to 5 rounds.

However, it should be noted that you should not run too much uphill to lose weight, because if you overdo it, it will put pressure on your legs and body. At that time, the body can easily fall into a state of loss of control. You should warm up before running uphill and rest between sets.

4. Running combined with bodybuilding

If you want to increase strength and endurance using your body weight when running, you should combine running with some of the following exercises:

– Run at a moderate speed for 1 minute.

– 1 minute of body weight squats.

– Run at a moderate speed for 2 minutes.

– 1 minute lunger.

– Run at a moderate pace for 3 minutes.

-1 minute hip lift.

– Run at a moderate pace for 4 minutes.

– 1 minute push-ups.

Note, before exercising, you should warm up for at least 5 minutes by stretching and then walking quickly or jogging slowly.

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