PT Health Life – Although the body only needs vitamin A in very small doses, a deficiency will cause many harmful effects. Vitamin A can be supplemented through diet. So which foods contain a lot of vitamin A ?

1. The importance of vitamin A
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Although the body only needs a very small amount, a lack will cause a lot of harm. Vitamin A has an effect on the retina, helping the eyes adapt to “light – dark” changes quickly.
Therefore, vitamin A deficiency means the ability to see in low light environments will be reduced, an early manifestation of which is the phenomenon of “night blindness” that appears when it is dusk.
Besides visual functions , vitamin A also plays an important role in promoting the development and integrity of epithelial cells in the eyes, skin, respiratory tract, digestive tract and urinary tract. When vitamin A is lacking, mucosal production decreases, cells dry out and keratinization appears. This symptom is often seen in the eyes, starting with dry conjunctiva, then damaging the cornea and can cause ulcers and blindness if not treated promptly.
Vitamin A also participates in the body’s immune response process, increasing the body’s resistance to disease. Children with vitamin A deficiency will be susceptible to infections and when infected, the treatment time will be prolonged and the risk of death will increase. Vitamin A also plays a role in growth, helping children develop normally. Vitamin A deficiency causes children to grow slowly.
2. Ways to supplement vitamin A
Vitamin A is necessary but the body cannot synthesize it on its own and must be supplied from the outside through food or medicine. Therefore, the main cause of vitamin A deficiency is a diet lacking foods rich in vitamin A and carotene (provitamin A).
Besides, vitamin A needs fat to be absorbed into the body . Therefore, a diet with little or no fat will reduce the absorption of vitamin A. Children who are not breastfed are easily deficient in vitamin A. Parasitic infections (especially roundworms) and bacterial infections (measles, diarrhea, respiratory infections) are also associated with vitamin A deficiency
A healthy and rich diet every day will provide enough vitamin A and other essential substances for a healthier body. In particular, for people who have anorexia or poor absorption or suffer from certain diseases of the eyes, pancreas, measles, tetanus… causing the body’s need for vitamin A to increase higher than normal, supplementing vitamin A by taking vitamin A-rich preparations is essential. However, supplementing vitamin A with food is still the best choice for the body every day.
3. Foods rich in vitamin A
The vitamin A in carrots comes in the form of beta-carotene, a healthy antioxidant. Eating carrots every day can improve your eyesight. Carrots also contain large amounts of vitamins B, C, K, fiber and magnesium. Eat carrots cooked or raw to get its full benefits.
Additionally, you can also mix a few small carrots with a mixture made from chicken, beans, oil, sesame, lemon, garlic and creamy avocado sauce for a light and healthy afternoon meal.
Tomatoes are low in calories, high in minerals and are also a rich source of vitamin A. An average tomato will provide about 20% of the day’s vitamin A needs. Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamin C and lycopene for the body.
Animal liver
Animal liver is rich in vitamin A. It is known to help overcome skin-related problems. Liver is an amazing source of many essential vitamins and minerals.
Sweet potato
One sweet potato provides a large amount of vitamin A needed during the day. Sweet potatoes are loved by many people because of their delicious taste and high nutritional content . Sweet potatoes are said to be the food containing the most vitamin A.
It also provides enough nutrition to skin cells and helps keep infections away. This is considered one of the best foods for healthy skin. You just need to cut the sweet potatoes and add a little olive oil, salt, pepper and paprika, then bake them for 20 minutes and you can enjoy delicious, nutritious sweet potato slices.
Red pumpkin
Pumpkin contains a lot of beta-carotene, which is a healthy antioxidant that is very good for health. Beta carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, helping the body prevent vitamin A deficiency, prevent blindness, and is good for the immune system… In addition, pumpkin is also a food source of vitamin C, Magnesium and fiber …
Leafy green vegetables
Green leafy vegetables contain many nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamins C and K. Green leafy vegetables can help eliminate skin-related disorders. Eating green leafy vegetables is very beneficial for health. Green leafy vegetables are low in calories, rich in nutrients and very easy to prepare.
Green leafy vegetables such as mustard greens, spinach, and kale are excellent sources of vitamin A. You should eat vegetables raw so your body can absorb important nutrients.
4. Physician advice
To prevent vitamin A deficiency, you need to eat a variety of foods, combine a variety of foods, and choose foods rich in vitamin A for your daily meals.
Breastfeed your baby early, feed your baby exclusively with breast milk for the first 6 months, continue to breastfeed your baby until 24 months of age or longer with appropriate complementary foods.
Children’s complementary meals need to contain foods rich in micronutrients, with added fat or oil to enhance the absorption of vitamin A and vitamin D.
Practice food hygiene, personal hygiene and environmental hygiene to prevent worm infections.
In addition to diet, supplementing children with high doses of vitamin A every 6 months is an effective solution to help prevent vitamin A deficiency. Each preventive dose can protect children for 4 – 6 months. Therefore, let children 6 – 36 months old take vitamin A according to the instructions of the commune/ward health station. In addition, mothers within 1 month after giving birth are also supplemented with high doses of vitamin A at the hospital.
Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy vitamin A to supplement, because too much vitamin A supplementation for adults or children can cause severe headaches , blurred vision, nausea, dizziness, muscle pain and other problems. about coordination. In severe cases, absorbing too much preformed vitamin A can even lead to coma and death.