PT Health Life

Warning signs of oral cancer

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PT Health Life – Oral cancer is a malignant lesion that appears in the oral cavity including: tongue, lower jaw, cheek mucosa, floor of the mouth, upper jaw, palate and lips.

When detected early, oral cancer can be completely cured with surgery.

1. Warning signs of oral cancer

The oral cavity has the role of chewing and grinding food, and is also exposed to cancer-causing agents such as chemical and mechanical stimuli: tobacco, alcohol and food, teeth with sharp edges…

1.1. Change in color of oral mucosa

Oral cancer and pre-cancerous lesions can be manifested by changes in the color of the oral mucosa such as white spots, black spots, erythema…

1.2 Ulcers do not heal for a long time

Mouth ulcers are mainly caused by trauma to the oral mucosa. For example, an accidentally bitten tooth can cause damage, but the ulcer will usually subside after 2-3 weeks. However, if the ulcer appears for unknown reasons and lasts for several months without improvement, it should be considered and examined promptly.

Along with that, malignant mouth ulcers have unclear wound boundaries compared to other areas, with “craggy” wound edges. Using medication to treat malignant mouth ulcers will not bring significant results.

Oral cancer is a malignant lesion that appears in the oral cavity.

1.3 Oral dysfunction

Unexplained loose teeth in a limited area that cannot be explained by periodontal disease, occlusal trauma… Along with that, the jaw is also swollen leading to imbalance.

Some oral cancer patients present with unexplained severe pain or an inability to open their mouth. Tongue mobility is also limited, causing difficulty chewing, swallowing or speaking, loss of feeling or numbness on one side of the tongue.

1.4 Appearance of unusual tumors

Oral cancer often metastasizes to nearby lymph nodes, causing tumors. Therefore, when unusual and persistent tumors appear, it is necessary to clearly understand the cause and have the right treatment.

2. Causes of oral cancer

  • Genetic factors

If a relative or parent has a history of oral cancer, people in the same family may have the disease due to genetic influences. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that it is related to the family’s long-term eating and living habits.

  • Living habits

People who smoke, drink alcohol and have other bad habits that affect oral health for more than 10 years are more likely to develop oral cancer. In addition, wearing dentures that are not properly cleaned, using too much mouthwash, etc. can also easily irritate the oral mucosa, thereby increasing the risk of oral cell mutation.

The habit of chewing betel, misaligned teeth, poor oral hygiene… causes mechanical damage in the oral cavity, creating favorable conditions for cancer to develop.

  • Nutritional factors

People who consume a lot of red meat every day or have an unbalanced diet lacking vitamin A, vitamin B, iron, zinc and other trace elements over a long period of time have a higher risk of oral cancer.

Other pre-cancerous lesions in the oral cavity such as leukoplakia, erythroplasia, chronic hyperplastic candidiasis, ulcers caused by continuous and prolonged trauma…

Periodic dental health check-up every 6 months

How to prevent oral cancer

– Pay attention to nutritional balance, quit smoking, avoid drinking alcohol.

– Develop good oral hygiene habits and brush your teeth regularly.

– Timely adjustment of sharp edges of the denture to avoid friction and soft tissue injury caused by the denture…

– Increase fruits and vegetables.

– Periodic dental health check every 6 months.

– When you discover mouth ulcers that have not healed for more than two weeks, or have unclear white or red spots on the oral mucosa, repeated mouth bleeding with unknown causes… you should see a specialist as soon as possible. Good.

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