PT Health Life

What causes acne you need to know

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PT Health Life – Acne is a dermatological disease. Having acne means the skin is inflamed, while many people have the habit of touching their face and squeezing without ensuring sterility, making the inflammation worse and possibly causing scarring.

Whether more or less, acne makes people, especially women, feel less confident when communicating. Therefore, many people have tried everything to treat acne, but unfortunately in many cases, acne not only does not decrease but also appears more severe with severe damage.

1. Levels of acne

There are many different types of acne such as blackheads, whiteheads, cystic acne, pustules, redheads, cystic acne… Each type of acne is a form of acne damage.

Hormonal imbalance causes the sebaceous glands in the skin to become overactive, secreting a lot of sebum, causing blockage, leading to sebum stagnating in the pores, forming comedones.

When acne forms and there is too much sebum, causing the pores to become clogged, a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes is produced, causing skin inflammation, forming pustules and cysts.

Acne can leave scars on the skin.

Depending on each case, different levels of acne may occur, including:

  • Whiteheads: usually fit inside the pores, do not rise to the surface of the skin and are called whiteheads.
  • Blackhead : a part of the acne that emerges from the pore and is called a blackhead.

When these two types of acne are affected, the structure changes, leading to the development of many types of lesions – at this point, they can turn into pus-filled boils.

When a whitehead exits the hair follicle, a pimple forms. The oil will solidify, dead cells in the pores and bacteria will quickly gather, creating pustules – dermatitis.

If pustules continue to become inflamed, cystic acne will form.

When these cysts rupture, they will only heal temporarily (forming new pustules) or become permanent scars.

2. Common causes of acne

There are many causes of acne, the most common of which are:

– Due to hormonal changes: Hormone changes in the body during stages such as puberty, menstrual cycle, or women in premenopause can cause acne. Hormonal changes stimulate the sebaceous glands on the skin. Excessive secretion of sebum leads to clogging of hair follicles, making the skin prone to acne.

– Due to infected skin: Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes) bacteria often causes acne on the skin. This type of bacteria can infect pores and create conditions for acne to form.

– Unreasonable living habits: Unhealthy diet such as lack of fiber, vitamins and eating too much food rich in sugar and starch, eating spicy and hot foods, using drinks with stimulants such as Beer, alcohol, etc. can make acne worse.

– Stress: Stress, too much thinking, insomnia or prolonged stress can cause acne on the skin.

– Polluted environment: Frequent exposure to dust, air pollution, alum-contaminated water sources, etc. are also causes of acne and pimples on the body, especially on the face.

– Improper skin hygiene: Not washing your face, washing your face lightly, not removing makeup thoroughly when applying makeup or frequently touching your face is also one of the causes of acne.

– Using inappropriate or poor quality cosmetics: Using cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type or products of unknown origin, mixed creams, peeling creams, etc. may contain compounds that cause harmful effects. clogs pores, causes skin irritation, causes acne or, more dangerously, causes severe skin infections.

– Side effects of drugs: Some drugs contain ingredients such as corticosteroids, testosterone, lithium and many antibiotics, which also cause acne when using the drug.

3. Treatment and prevention of acne

To avoid possible complications, when you have acne, you should go to a medical facility specializing in dermatology for examination and treatment. Currently, the main acne treatment is still using topical or oral medications.

In addition, there are other supportive measures such as removing acne cores and draining abscesses if the lesions have a lot of pus.

To treat acne with optimal effectiveness, people should see a doctor as soon as the first pimples appear on their face. In fact, there are cases where due to late examination and treatment, there is no way to heal the scars.

During acne treatment, you should not use cosmetics… Acne can easily recur, so after treatment, patients should take good care of their facial skin, have a reasonable working and studying regimen, and avoid stress…

Don’t eat a lot of cakes to prevent acne from recurring.

As for disease prevention, there is currently no method to completely prevent acne. Therefore, it helps prevent and effectively treat acne as well as prevent further acne growth specifically:

  • Take care of your skin regularly every day, wash your face gently, wash your face before going to bed, as soon as you come home from work, don’t rub your skin too hard or too often, respect the skin structure.
  • Not arbitrarily picking, squeeze acne.
  • Avoid work that causes excessive sweating. Take a shower and clean your body after sweating a lot.
  • In case of pustules, you can apply preparations containing antibiotics, antibacterials (when using oral antibiotics, you must follow the doctor’s instructions), or some preparations to help reduce keratinization and dissolve acne.
  • Do not apply strange cosmetics to your skin, especially crème (cream) or oil…
  • Combining the intake of herbs that work slowly helps restore the skin’s physiological balance, increasing the acne treatment effectiveness of topical medications. From there, it helps acne heal faster while reducing the risk of further acne growth and recurrence.
  • Ensure a moderate diet and lifestyle, and limit stress. Reduce mental stress in life; Avoid eating sweet and fatty foods such as tea, cakes, chocolate, mango, durian…
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