PT Health Life

What disease causes low back pain?

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PT health Life – Low back pain is the most common condition affecting the lives of most adults. This is one of the most common reasons workers lose time and productivity.

The causes of low back pain are very diverse, usually due to the following medical causes:

1. The most common is disc degeneration

Disc degeneration is one of the most common spinal diseases today and is on the rise. This is a common cause of lumbar spine pain, accompanied by corresponding neurological symptoms.

In the US, each year about 2 million people have to miss work because of lumbar spine pain. Meanwhile, according to research and statistics centers in Europe and the US, up to 70% of the population will have at least one episode of low back pain in their lifetime.

The disease usually occurs between the ages of 30 and 50. Over time, the outer ring of cartilage becomes fibrotic, the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc dries out, loses elasticity, herniates into the spinal canal, and compresses the nerves.

Disc degeneration is one of the most common spinal diseases today.

2. Bulging and herniated disc

Excessive wear and tear on spinal discs can lead to disc bulges, in which the outer covering is weakened and the disc protrudes and presses on the nerves.

3. Osteoarthritis

Arthritis is a common disease of the lumbar spine. Spinal arthritis is most common in older people, but also occurs in people who are obese, do heavy labor, or anyone who has had a previous spinal injury. Once osteoarthritis appears, movement in the lower back will become limited, pain and soreness will begin to appear and gradually increase over time.

This symptom is most clearly noticed in the morning after waking up, gradually decreases after exercise, increases when overworked, and even sitting for a long time brings an uncomfortable feeling.

Lumbar spine arthritis often occurs in the joints that connect the vertebrae together. The vertebrae are linked together by intervertebral discs in front of the spinal cord and two facet joints behind the spinal cord. Thanks to that, we can move, twist, and turn more flexibly and smoothly.

4. Spondylolisthesis

This is a phenomenon in which the upper vertebrae move forward or backward compared to the lower vertebrae. When this condition occurs, the patient will feel pain in the lumbar area. Daily commuting activities are extremely difficult. The pain may gradually spread down one or both legs of the patient.

5. Lumbar spinal stenosis

Lumbar spinal stenosis is a common musculoskeletal disease. This is a condition in which the spinal canal in the spine narrows and begins to press on the spinal cord or nerve roots. This is often caused by bone spurs. People with spinal stenosis may experience back pain, but the level of pain will vary depending on the level of arthritis.

6. Ankylosing spondylitis

In young people, low back pain may be related to an inflammatory condition called ankylosing spondylitis. People with this condition often have back stiffness in the morning and the pain improves with activity.

7. Occupational back pain

These include poor posture when sitting or standing at work, sitting or standing for long periods of time, driving long distances, lifting improperly, lifting frequently, and lifting objects that are too heavy.

In addition, back pain is nonspecific. More than 85% of what doctors diagnose is what doctors call “non-specific” low back pain, meaning the pain is not clearly caused by a specific disease, abnormality, or serious injury of the spine. This type of pain often represents tension in one or more muscles in the lower back.

Some other serious causes of low back pain include infections, spinal tumors or a disorder called “cauda equina syndrome”, which in addition to back pain can cause leg weakness and confusion. bowel or bladder dysfunction.

Physical therapy reduces low back pain.

In summary: Low back pain is a common problem, the diagnosis is determined based on clinical symptoms and imaging diagnoses such as: X-ray of the lumbar spine; CT and MRI of the lumbar spine if there are risk factors or signs of infection or cancer, surgery will be considered, or if low back pain persists.

Therefore, when there are symptoms of low back pain, patients need to go to a medical facility for specific examination and advice. For simple cases, the doctor will require rest, stretching and expansion exercises, strengthening, and full-body exercises. In addition, to reduce pain there are other measures such as: stretching the spine; Acupuncture; massage; analgesic…

Surgery is necessary if there is evidence of cauda equina syndrome or another serious back condition such as a spinal cord tumor or infection, or severe weakness due to spinal stenosis or nerve root compression.

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