PT Health Life – Headache is a very common condition that can occur in anyone. Pain often appears in the head and face, migraine or whole head, pain affecting the forehead…
Headaches can occur on one or both sides of the head, in a certain location or radiate throughout the head. So what health problems do pain locations warn you about?

1. Causes of headaches
There are two main causes: primary headaches and secondary headaches.
– Primary headache. Accounts for 90% of the causes of pain, including: migraine, pain due to muscle tension, cluster pain, pain when exerting, when sleeping, continuous migraine…
Chemical activity in the brain, nerves or blood vessels around the skull, or muscles in the head and neck area may play a role in primary headaches.
In addition, headaches are caused by lifestyle factors: drinking alcohol, using drugs, stimulants, eating and sleeping irregularly, experiencing stress, living environment, noise…
– Secondary headaches are pain caused by a specific disease. These are: due to neurological disease, meningeal-cerebrovascular disease, increased intracranial pressure syndrome. Pain due to heat stroke, sunstroke, acute systemic infection, and poisoning. Pain due to cardiovascular diseases and hormonal changes. Suffering from diseases of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, teeth…
2. What diseases does the location of the headache warn of?
2.1. Pain in the forehead
Headache in the forehead makes the patient feel like there is a heavy object pressing on the head or being squeezed tightly around the head. Some cases are accompanied by symptoms of pain in the temples or stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and nape.
The cause of this condition may be looking at computer or phone screens for too long, or reading books in low light conditions, causing eye strain.
2.2. Pain in the temples
Temple pain comes from many causes such as stress and migraines. Temporal pain can also be caused by temporal arteritis, but it is rare and requires immediate medical attention. Accompanying symptoms include fever, vision changes, weight loss, muscle pain in the arm or shoulder..
3. Pain in the back of the head
Pain in the back of the head can be caused by tension in the neck or spine or can also be a sequela after an injury. In more dangerous cases, pain in the back of the head comes from blood vessel leakage.
If the patient has severe pain within 5 minutes of the pain starting, accompanied by fever, sensitivity to light, changes in vision, loss of balance, etc., they should quickly see a doctor for treatment.
4. Migraines
Migraines affect either the right or left side of the head, often accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea. The illness lasts from two hours to three days. Inflammation of the temporal arteries and arteries in the head and neck area will cause severe pain on the right side of the head, body fatigue, jaw pain and pain in the temple area.
The occipital nerve is damaged or inflamed, leading to right-sided migraine with accompanying symptoms such as a constant pain and burning sensation, the pain starting from the skull and then spreading to the back and along the head area. on the right. Pain in the back of the eye socket along with signs of sensitivity to light.
Pain on the right side of the head is also a common symptom of stroke – a sudden stoppage of blood supply to the brain.
5. Pain behind the eyes
Pain that appears from behind the eyes can be a sign of sinusitis. Sinus headaches are common during the cold season, when the bacteria that cause colds can spread quickly. Sinusitis also comes with a number of other symptoms such as stuffy nose, sore eyes, forehead pain, high fever…

3.Doctor’s advice
Usually headaches tend to subside within 6 hours. If the pain gets worse or the headache comes on suddenly and intensely, the patient should see a doctor for timely treatment.
Patients should not arbitrarily use headache relievers without prescription and examination, especially after injury or fall. Proactively prevent headaches by:
- Healthy eating.
- Exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
- Adding natural essences that can help increase nutrients and regulate brain blood such as blueberry and ginkgo can improve headaches and insomnia.
- Minimize stressors and use healthy coping methods if you encounter unavoidable stress.
- You need to add enough water, especially on hot days because lack of water can make the body dizzy and tired, leading to pain in the head.
- Limit drinking alcohol, beer, drinks containing stimulants such as caffeine…
- Create short rest periods while working to avoid headaches and eye strain.