PT Health Life

What disease is dry mouth related to?

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PT Health Life – Dry mouth occurs when you cannot secrete enough saliva (or saliva) to keep the oral cavity moist enough, this leads to a dry and very uncomfortable feeling in the mouth. So what disease is dry mouth related to? Is it something to worry about?

Dry mouth is a common problem and affects your health. Studies show that millions of people may be affected by dry mouth. Dry mouth occurs more often in women than in men.

The reason for this is unclear but is believed to be due to hormonal and age differences. Dry mouth also occurs more often in older people than in young or middle-aged people. Older people may have many chronic diseases and use drugs for a long time. Increased dry mouth is associated with increased medication use and decreased overall health status.

1. Symptoms of dry mouth are easy to recognize

The first sign of dry mouth is that the throat and mucous membranes feel dry, sometimes causing a burning sensation, and the tongue reduces taste. Difficulty chewing, swallowing and speaking.

Four clinical symptoms of dry mouth include:

  • Dry lips.
  • Dry cheek mucosa.
  • Inability to secrete saliva from the major salivary glands.
  • The index of decayed, lost, and filled teeth increased.

2. Pathology related to dry mouth

Symptoms of dry mouth are easy to recognize.

Dry mouth often appears with reduced saliva. These conditioned properties cause weakening of the function of the oral cavity over time. Patients may have difficulty chewing and swallowing dry foods because of difficulty moistening the food.

However, dry mouth is rarely a single symptom. Oral symptoms are always associated with chronic, long-lasting dry mouth; Systemic symptoms are often associated with dry mouth and are a manifestation of many systemic disorders.

They often feel thirsty, have to sip water to easily swallow, and may keep water next to their bed at night. They find it difficult to wear dentures. There is often a thinning or loss of the protective layer of the oral mucosa, and the patient may experience particular sensitivity to salty or spicy foods. In addition, there may be a stinging or burning sensation in the oral mucosa, especially on the tongue.

Many studies show that dry mouth and reduced saliva cause a significant increase in the incidence of tooth decay, which in many cases becomes severe and widespread. Clearly, the reduction in saliva volume is equivalent to changes in the composition of the oral microbial ecosystem. The major change from an alkaline environment to an acidic environment creates conditions for the bacteria that cause tooth decay to grow. It includes an increase in the number of strains of Steptococcus mutans, Lactobacullus, Actinomyces viscosus and Streptococcus mitis and, an increase in the total amount of anaerobic bacteria.

Dry mouth can be a symptom associated with a variety of systemic diseases and is often related to other organs, most commonly the nose, eyes, skin, and vagina. The eye and vaginal areas may feel prickly, burning, and there may be an increase in infection. Dry mouth and its many associated symptoms seriously affect the patient’s quality of life. These symptoms affect the basic senses such as taste, touch, and sight.

3. How is dry mouth treated?

Treatment for dry mouth depends on the cause of the condition. If you suspect you have dry mouth, you should go to a medical facility with dental and maxillofacial expertise for examination and treatment advice. If dry mouth is due to side effects of medication, the doctor may ask the patient to substitute another medication or adjust the dose.

If your salivary glands are not working effectively but can still produce some saliva, your doctor may prescribe medication to help your salivary glands function better. In many cases, it may be necessary to use artificial saliva to keep the mouth moist.

You should drink water regularly to prevent dry mouth.

4. What should people with dry mouth do?

In addition to visiting the doctor for appropriate treatment, patients should drink plenty of water at home. Studies have found that dehydration is one of the main factors causing dry mouth. Therefore, increasing your daily water intake can help treat mild dehydration.

Brush your teeth daily with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. If the bristles are dry and painful, try soaking the brush in warm water. Avoid using dental floss if your teeth are bleeding or sore.

Mouth breathing habits need to be changed because they can make dry mouth worse and cause other oral health problems. Try practicing breathing through your nose instead of your mouth in special situations, such as when exercising.

People with dry mouth should avoid sticky and sugary foods. If you eat these foods, brush your teeth immediately afterward. In addition, spicy and salty foods can also cause pain and discomfort for people with chapped lips and tongue due to dry mouth.

In addition, you should also avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol because they can cause dry mouth.

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