PT Health Life

Who is at risk of acute kidney failure?

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PT Health Life – Acute kidney failure is a syndrome caused by many causes, which can be extra-renal or renal, causing temporary collapse or loss of function of both kidneys, cessation or rapid decline in glomerular filtration rate.

Acute kidney failure has a high mortality rate, but if diagnosed and treated promptly, kidney function can be completely or nearly completely recovered.

1. Subjects at risk of acute kidney failure

1.1 Elderly

The older you get, the lower your kidney function becomes. Therefore, when there is an impact factor, kidney failure can easily occur.

People with unhealthy lifestyles

If people have an unhealthy lifestyle such as eating too much salt, sugar, protein, fat or eating little vegetables, lack of exercise, stress… they will be at risk of kidney failure. In addition, people who smoke or eat unsafe foods also have a lot of impact on the kidneys.

1.2 People with diabetes

Diabetes is considered the leading cause of kidney failure in developed countries and is trending rapidly in Vietnam. In addition, diabetes also causes many complications in other organ systems such as the heart, eyes, nerves… The number of people with diabetes is increasing, and the proportion of people with diabetes has kidney complications (kidney failure). ) is increasing day by day.

1.3 People with high blood pressure

If high blood pressure is not controlled or treated well, it will cause kidney failure. It will first cause proteinuria (proteinuria), then it will cause kidney failure.

1.4 People with the disease must take medication for long-term treatment

Some people who use drugs for long-term treatment can cause kidney damage, especially when used for a long time and at an inappropriate dose. The use of these drugs requires guidance and prescription from a doctor. Some common drugs that can cause kidney toxicity are: Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ; Aminoglycoside antibiotic; Anti-tuberculosis drugs; Medicines and chemicals for cancer treatment; Contrast agent; Some oriental medicine of unknown origin…

Therefore, when using any medicine, you need to be careful, consult a doctor, and do not use the medicine indiscriminately, because it will likely cause acute or chronic kidney damage, affecting your health. seriously affect your health in the future.

1.5 People with urinary kidney disease

If you suffer from certain diseases such as kidney stones, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis… without  good treatment, it will affect the function of this organ, gradually causing complications of kidney failure. Diseases such as nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis … if not treated well will also cause kidney failure

1.6 People with infectious diseases

If you have an infection, it can cause complications and kidney failure. For example, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, a severe infection caused by highly virulent bacteria, can cause septic shock and acute kidney failure.

Acute kidney failure is a syndrome caused by many causes.

2. Symptoms of acute kidney failure

Acute kidney failure progresses through 4 stages:

– State 1:

Initial phase: This is the attack phase of pathogens. The course will be long or short depending on the cause.

– Phase 2:

This is the stage of low urination and anuria: Anuria can develop gradually, the patient can gradually urinate less and then anuria, but the cause of anuria can occur suddenly, especially in cases of poisoning or due to mechanical causes.

– Stage 3:

The stage of urinary resumption with the amount of urine increasing rapidly, in some cases urinating 4 – 5 liters/day or more, lasting 5 – 7 days. Blood urea and creatinine gradually decrease, urinary urea and creatinine gradually increase, kidney failure enters the recovery phase.

– Stage 4:

Recovery phase: The ability of the kidney tubules to concentrate urine takes a lot of time, sometimes up to years, to fully recover, and the glomerular filtration rate recovers faster. Usually by the second month it is normal, recovery is fast or slow depending on the cause, the average treatment regimen is about 4 weeks.

3. Physician advice

To prevent kidney failure, you need to have a healthy, scientific lifestyle: Eat enough food, limit salt, fat, alcohol, abstain from smoking, drink enough water every day and exercise regularly.

You need to have regular health check-ups, or go see a doctor when you have unusual health signs. Early detection and treatment can help your kidneys fully recover.

If you have chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart failure , prostate enlargement, etc., you need to treat these diseases well, because these diseases have the risk of affecting kidney function. Good control of chronic diseases is a way to help prevent kidney disease.

In addition, it is necessary to use the correct dosage of medication according to the instructions of the medical staff. Notify your doctor if you have health problems in the liver or kidneys to adjust the dosage to avoid the risk of overdose and increased side effects of the drug.

In elderly patients with pre-existing kidney disease and accompanying chronic diseases such as diabetes, liver failure , hypertension, multiple organ failure, trauma… when acute kidney failure occurs, the prognosis will be severe and severe. more difficult to treat. Therefore, before surgery, it is necessary to prevent acute kidney failure for the patient, provide adequate fluid replacement, and well control blood pressure during surgery.

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